Megatokyo never new what hit 'em.


Tossing another 4500 extra hits over the past 3 days. Well Fat Bug has made a bit of a splash in the world of webcomics, by going after Megatokyo. Check out some of the reactions, funny as all hell. Join in if you would like.

Also, our Wikibomb program has also been doing well, keep at it.

You are listening to (Xmas Edtion) . . .
One Last Christmas, by one of Malach's all time favorite bands, The Amazing (Royal) Crowns. They broke up in early 2001. I will be playing some of their stuff after Xmas, but picture Elvis, Morrisey, Jimmy Cash, and The Sex Pistols all rolled into one. Their 2 albums are available at Amazon.

Well . .
The Garbage men did pick up this mess. YAY!

Oh Yeah . .
Well I blame you Damn Cannucks for Hockey! EH! (This looks like it is going to be a blog that makes fun of Canada)

The whore's taken. Sorry Palmer.

Besides Fred Kalisz,
The only other man in the world who can (or could) get away with a Hitler mustache. "Time to feed the worms"

A Short RubberSuit Studios Play.
Ahnold: You Stinkin Krauts remove my name from the stadium!
Austria: Heil Govinator!
Ahnold: You Fairy Nazi's take me off you website!
Austria: Hail Govinator
Ahnold: I'll be back.

Thank you thank you! Mail me my Oscar, or Tony.

Time to break out my marble sack.
Nothing sexier than Malach in a speedo!

Cheese and Rice!
Stay away from Milwaukee! I wonder how Laverne and Shirley are doing? Give us any chance we'll make it, give us any skull we'll break it! You know, I blame the Canadian import of Hockey on this.

Guy . .
Did you really need to commit suicide?

An interesting Debate ..
This should spark some controversy.

C'mon, can you take this man seriously anymore?
Look at that hat! He's like Santa Palpatine with Demetia.

Hey India, get a life!
This I blame directly on Iran with some help from our neighbors to the North.

The Iranian Bounty on Malach head as of 12/28:

I got a elusive multi colored pecker to show you.

OH God, NO!
Piper, your skeleton, it will liquify!

Malach's Quote of the Day.
You always make it a special day for me. You know how, don't you? By just your being you. Whether you're in kindergarten or third grade or no grade at all or ANY grade at all, I like you just the way you are. I'll be back tomorrow. Bye. - Mr. Rogers.

I am Malach, and am I the only one who thinks Dubya and Fred Rogers are long lost brothers?


Blame Canada eh?
That's in Toronto...not Canada.
At least we have more subs in the West Edmonton Mall than in the entire Canadian Navy and Marines combined!!!!
Wait...that doesn't help.

I can't believe the garbage man actually took that all away.
I'd hate to see spring cleaning around your place.

Yeah this part of the country they take just about anything.

Christopher said...

Hey Boyo... got a special surprise for you Friday. The office is set up and the recording studio has had a MAJOR overhaul.

Look out Buckos...

The Angry Piper and...

That's right, tape the dog's ass shut because it's the first all out rip of The Third Option Radio Show 2005!!! (End of the world soon to follow).

Hey Nehadi, me an Malach's got som dat French Canadian blood in us, uh hohw. Actually, more than some. 7/8 French Canadian-1/8 misc Native American.

Dats purdy good dare eh.
I ken see wur dat cud be a bit confoozing fer de bote of ya eh.
You 2 guys dare are purdy funnies.

All 4 you guys in de net huh?
At de same times?

Christopher said...

It's enough to make Mother Mary weep all over again. Can you imagine what the palatial mansion will look like when these freaks get done with me???

Uhm....just blame Canada, Doc. South Park does, Malach why not?

Wow, some heroscape too? Is this the Murk and Malach Show or something else entirely?

Christopher said...

Oh, Malach...

We can do anything SpaceFarmer wants!

Wait... that sucks.

you're my hero too...for the next 4 hours and 17 minutes.

put down plastic sheets. Might help. You fling just as much ;)

Just Me
That's right...we killed KENNY...BASTARDS

Don't Worry, Fat Bug is visting Canada Next
