The Boogie Woogie Santa Claus


You are listening to (Xmas Edtion) . .
The Boogie Woogie Santa Claus, by Lionel Hampton. Lionel Hampton is early Jazz pioneer, and if you have never heard his stuff, pick something up by him. He passed away in 2002 leaving a legacy of of fostering great Jazz Musicians (Quincy Jones, Charles Mingus, Illinois Jacquet, Betty Wilson, just a few who played in his orchestra. Boogie Woogie is a great indication of the World War II era jazz swing, and a marvelous Xmas song. Hampton was also black, and famous, which is 1930's and 40's America, wasn't too easy.

I have not got to work of Fat Bug, for most of yesterday and all of today, and needless to see WAY behond where I want to be. Sorry, defintely up by the end of this week.

The Forum is going swimmingly, with new members everday. So join if you dare. And Missions start tomorrow.

I will be putting up a fan art page in the next coming days. If you have any fan art for Stool Sample Webcomics, send to to me. Please include your name (psuedonyms are fine), age, and anthing you want us to link to.

Malach's Quote of the Day.
The road to stupidity is paved with good intentions - Mandy, The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy.

I am Malach, come here you!


Andy T. Nguyen said...

Fat Bug is a very vulgar bug, probably can't go ten rounds with Snake Eyes!

Anonymous said...

come here you? is that what you tell your wife?

Fat Bug, well see . . . Fat Bug has certain abilities.

I never speak to my wife like that without including the word Beeyatch or Ho at the end.

Anonymous said...

and... does she respond to you?

O yeah!