The End of the World


Most of you who know me, know that I think doomsday prognostication and bible codes based upon ancient holy text is a bunch of bullshit. That right, I swore, because I feel pretty strongly about this. This is why, and I will use Revelations as an example. Like Martin Luther, I think Revelation "was not inspired by the Holy Spirit" and as such, should not be included as part of the Holy Word. Why? Revelation is a enigmatic book, and purposefully written that way. It is written in extensive symbolism, riddle, and surrealism. The book did not make it's first appearance until hundred after the death of Christ, and was never even really included into the New Testament Canon until the 9th Century. When the original Canon was put together in the 4th century, it was argued not to be included"because of the difficulties of interpreting it and the danger for abuse". Why it was added in the 9th Century? It gave the Church a book to refer to to scare the masses, exactly the fear 500 years earlier.

Much of the book is based in part in the very similar Hebrew text, The Book of Enoch, which was left out of the Old Testament, way back when. Another book left out for similar reasons.

Now you have all sort of religious nuts running around using the book to predict the end of times is here. Well you know what, I can use any book written like Revelations is, to predict the end of the world. I can also take any time period you choose and use the symbolism in the book to show the end is near (religions have been doing this for centuries). I don't mean to pick on the Bible, as all the Holy Books have similar stories, but it is the one I am most familiar with.

Bible Codes. Everone thinks these are the greatest prognostication device ever. Do any of you realize that studies have been done, with War and Peace, converting into ancient Hebrew, and finding the exact same codes? It is all math. The way Ancient Hebrew breaks down is very similar is all long text.

This is what all this leads to. Check out this fruitcake. Trust, me, read this for a while. It will make you scratch your head.

You are listening to (Xmas Edition) . . .
The Bizarre Christmas Incident, by Ben Folds, off the album Maybe This Christmas. For those of you unfamilar with Ben Folds and the Ben Folds Five, what kind of rock are you living under. Very Funny song, take a listen. As for the Album, the best of the Maybe This . . bunch. And I will play a few more off of it. Some on the playlist: Jack Johnson, Bare Naked Ladies and Sara McLaughlin, Jimmy Eat World, Cold Play and quite a few others. All doing mostly traditonal Xmas songs.

Stool Sample Webcomics Vol I.
Is almost complete, but I am debating on whether to release it after Xmas or not.

Give me your tired, your poor . . .
Hey guess what, the Patriot Act signed for 4 more years!

Ahh, the Grammys.
Lets see, nominees mostly suck as usual. And that Mariah Carey, she is a nut. Maybe we can get her and Tom Cruise together.

So who do you think she is marrying.
I bet a Cocaine Dealer.

Hey guys.
Send the tape to me or Hill Tv. We support your freedoms, and we will post it.

"Being good is not boring!"
So says Ratzy! He should say something about this on his blog.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Edgar Renteria Gone. I am going to miss the nicknames: Rentawreck, Rentaerror . . . now we can call him Edgar Gone-eria. It was painful to watch him play. So far, I am very happy with the moves they have made. Prediction: Theo Epstein will be back as the Red Sox GM before Xmas.

Malach's Quote of the Day.
God writes the Gospel not in the Bible alone, but also on trees, and in the flowers and clouds and stars. - Martin Luther
If I am not allowed to laugh in heaven, I don't want to go there. - Martin Luther (Big JesusMan! fan)

I am Malach, and I want candy.


Anonymous said...

Bible, Toyi Yawning, talk to my hand lol..

Of course being good is not boring, is not streesing either, is being calmed as a nice wing, is being w/o guilts!! lol

Andy T. Nguyen said...

Says the pope who looks like evil incarnate.

The pope looks like a cross between Hitler, The Emporer, and Gollum.

Christopher said...

The Pope is a smelly pirate hooker!