Malach has abandoned Blogger


For the second time in two weeks, Blogger has gone down on me causing me to lose money. It has not allowed me to FTP publish to this blog for about a week. This is not the first problem I have had with Blogger and frankly I am sick of it.

The basic problem is it won't load onto the FTP. Blogger blames the setting (which haven't changed since 2004) or my host provider, wrong. My other Blogger blogs in same situations are fine. After doing some research this seems to be a common problem with FTP Blogger blogs, and Blogger could care less, neither putting it up to a fix, or under known issues.

I have loaded a new WordPress Blog it is located here. I have moved this blog and it archives to this address, the original address to Dropping My Daily Stool Sample now redirects to the new blog. Why did I do this? There is a lotof info in the old blog, a lot of very popular posts, and it is searchable.

Unfortunately this also seems to be happening with the Deck of Many Things. We will see if it fixes itself.

Thus ends a 3+ year relationship with Blogger. Their loss. Bye.

I am Malach and I am a WordPress man now.

Dig A Pony


The only plug I have for you is Malach's new Orkut Account, so ask me to be your friend, hopefully we can get 1200 like we do on our MySpace Account.

Blogger issue, AGAIN!
Blogger has been down all day for this blog, this is the second time in two weeks and again it is FTP issues, I am not sure if this blog will get up tonight, or tomorrow, but I have about had it . . . Wordpress, here I come.

You Are Listening too . . .
Dig a Pony off of Let It Be. The song was actually the last song played in the famed 1969 rooftop concert and this recording is taken from that, with a few Phil Spector time edits. Lennon wrote and composed the song and actually thought of the song as a "peice of garbage" which I don't agree with. The song, while containing a string of surreal to nonsense phrases in directed at his soon to be wife Yoko Ono. It is also known as one of the "sloppier" Beatles song, much more rock opera in style than their typical fair (much of Let It Be was though). It is defintely a live sounding intense song. The song is also beautifully harmonized with backing vocals from McCartney.

Spector is credited for emphasizing the blueseyness of the track and for really bringing out the "All I want is you" phrase/chorus. Again the lyrics are very funny, kind of a mix of the straightforward and a mix of more esoteric and surreal lyrics.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Well should of saved some runs for the Tigers for the previous nights games, pitching matchups also don't bode well for the Sox until the final game. Mood: Let's get 'em tomorrow.

Micheal Vick.
Ut Oh. Ron Mexico . . . Cash is getting closer to your jugular

Ahh, to be 11 again.
I recall being 11 . . .

Wow, Malach's gotta get this number, can you imagine "Hello this is Paris Hilton."

Chinese Dinosaur Bones.

Malach's Quote/Video of the Day

I am Malach and I dig a tapir.

Nothin's Gonna Change My World.


A few today. First, there is a new Sunshine, and this one is extra mature. It is number 49, and feature full frontal male nudity and references to pornography. Also the next Chapter (3) in The Story of Jade from Tainted Love Erotic Stories is now loaded. Tainted Love in also mature.

For the kids, there is a new poem from Christopher, called Travail Son. And a new 8 1/2 by Eleven (551). Also, CJ Owen has sent me a draft of his latest 3500 word short story, it pretty good, that will probably be up soon.

Some administration.
I am going to be slowly redesigning my site to be easier to navigate, which also mean some links will change. I am now getting just over 1000 unique visitors a day, that is up 100% for the begining of the year.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Well it is currenly 13 to 2 good guys in the 6th. Also congrat to Hideki Okajima for making the All Star team, Red Sox Nation loves you. Mood: What did Malach say, at least a 12 game lead by the break.

Is this the end?
For the Mars Rovers, we will see, but kudos to NASA for these two robots.

And in Local News.
Why? Seriously dude, you ain't gonna survive long in the jails around here, this I know from working with that population.

Great now I will have to watch Sarah Jessica Parkers dog ass face on a 50' screen.

Malach's Quote/Video of the Day
My confidence in venturing into science lies in my basic belief that as in science so in Buddhism, understanding the nature of reality is pursued by means of critical investigation: if scientific analysis were conclusively to demonstrate certain claims in Buddhism to be false, then we must accept the findings of science and abandon those claims. - Tenzin Gyatso

I am Malach and nothing will change my world.

Jai Guru Deva Om


No Plugs Tonight.
Hey it's a Holiday!

Happy 4th of July
Rain, New Beford Fireworks were cancelled and rescheduled for Saturday.

So More About Malach at last Saturday's Red Sox Game
Read the blog from a few days ago for more info. I do have a few pics though:
First one is of course Malach the Merciless on the mound at Fenway just before Beckett arrived out of the dugout to meet him, Second is Coach Rick (hence Rick's Ranger); my sister-in-law; Dan, who has Down Syndrome; James who is slight MR, behind Varitek. I got a video, but it is NESN, and MLB property, I am going to transfer it to MPEG format and we will see how long I can keep it up on YouTube before the MLB Police come get me.

You are listening too . . .
Across the Universe and absolute favorite of mine. A version of the song first appeared on the 1968 charity album for the World Wildlife Fund, No One's Gonna Change Our World. A modified and probably better version appeared then on Let It Be.

Lennon was inspired to write the song after listening to his then wife Cynthia speak, and the thought "words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup" came immediatley to his mind. He immediately grabbed a pen and piece of paper, wrote the lyrics, fell asleep and promptly forgot about them. Lennon stumbled upon them the next day, went to his piano, and began to write chords for them. The song is obviously heavily influenced by Lennon's short term interest in Eastern Thought during the time the song was composed. It is also influenced by his interest in Trancendental Meditation, hence the mantra Jai Guru Deva Om which links the verses and the bridge. The phrase roughly tranlates as Salute Teacher Deva, Om, refer to Brahmananda Saraswati aka Guru Dev, and Om being the natural vibration of the universe, and tantrict kind of chant.

The lyrics while straightforward and highly surreal as in much of Lennon's stuff from that 67 - 68 period. They are also hightly image based. Lennon himself stated it was perhaps the most poetic lyrics he ever wrote. The song was initially thought of as a single, but Lennon was not happy with it's direction. They tried a bit of everthing, including a comb harmonica, backing vocals from some Apple Scruffs. The track was put aside and forgotten. They had seriously thought about releasing it with the Yellow Submarine Soundtrack, but Lennon had become disillusioned with Eastern Philosophy by then and did not like the mantra of the song.

The Beatles were convinced after the song was heard by Spike Milligan to be released on the charity album he was putting together. The song was remixed by George Martin, the sonds of birds were added to the beginning and end of the song.

Though never fully satisfied with the recording, Lennon was very attached to the song and played it during the recordings of the Get Back/Let It Be sessions. The Beatles insisted on adding it to the Album, and by the time of the final albums mix, Lennon's contributions were limited anyway, and this was a good way to fill that gap.

The final mix, done by Phil Spector, is slowed several ticks, and full intrementation was added. This is the version most people are familiar with.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Gotta love the Devil Rays.

Now this is a real American!
Joey Chestnut!


Chilean Lakes.
Have a Crack Problem.

Al Gore III
So, when does this kid meet Dubya's two wild girls? And you can get a Prius to go 100 MPH?

Malach's Quote/Video of the Day

I am Malach, and you will read my blog

On Our Way Home


Only one today, a new 8 1/2 by Eleven, which continues the Cats v. Dogs debate. #550

Did you know.
Wife bought some cherries tonight, and did you know Malach can tie the stems with his tongue. That right, I am hot.

KMP Softball
Update. We played a very bad game yesterday and lost to the 9 - 11 Outlaws 12 - 4, but we bounced back today beating the Bombers 16 - 6. Currently 17 - 5 tied for second, but have the tie breaker.

So know the kid doesn't have Fragile X or even any other kind of disability? I can't wait to read the book.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Pretty much got the D-Rays in control in addtion the remaining 22% of their games are against the D-Rays, nice. Dice-K rocks. Mood: The TB D-Ray, the cure for what ails you.

Well, one out of two ain't bad.
This is sad to say, but prothstesis technology for the lower extremities is so good nowadays, I would rather lose a leg, that a thumb.

Argentavis Magnificens

Malach's Quote/Video of the Day.
Cocaine is one hell of a drug - Rick James

I am Malach and meanwhile, Rick James takes her nude, and there's nothing I can do.

Two of Us


A plethora of Plugs
Where to begin. Well Chapter Two of The Story of Jade, part of Tainted Love Erotic Stories is up. Again as always TLES in rated Mature. Also the poetry of Christopher has also updated, with a cool poem called The Line. Also perhaps the best Fetus-X in months is also loaded up, nice job on this one Millikin. Also, a very funny Sunshine number 48 is also up.

Something else . . . many of you sickos liked the Benoit shirt I posted in yesterday's blog. Well, Zazzle took that one day, as it had a digitally altered image of Benoit on the back, so I remade it, along with a Benoit request. Check em' out.

Yeah, I have no shame, and you people are sick, those 5 of you who bought banned one, I am not sure if you will have to rebuy them, Zazzle I am sure will email you. There is plenty of other stuff going in the store including more of my painting. . . and again, I take requests.

You are listening too . .
The Beatles final album I will explore, Let It Be. Most of Let It Be was recorded before Abbey Road was recorded, but the Beatles were unhappy with the album, our old buddy Phil Spector re-produced the album about a year after it was made, and it became the last album beyond compilations, and box sets, The Beatles released.

Without rehashing the story of these albums, Wikipedia has a pretty article on the finer points of it's development, the numerous production attempts, the bands almost disintegration and such. By the time Spector had gotten a hold of the album, with McCartney's reluctant agreement, The Beatles had all but officially broken up. The album was intially supposed to be a sort of live studio album, with accompanying film. Spector did try to recreate some of that, but McCartney especially was deeply dissastified with the album, Lennon stated: "He was given the shittiest load of badly-recorded shit with a lousy feeling to it ever, and he made something of it." Kind of a compliment.

Interestingly enough, the album is a mix for critics and fans, some really hate it, some like, some are king of so so. Personally Malach enjoys the album very much, thought nowhere near his favorite.

The song we listen to today is Two of Us, a rather interesting song, that might be the final Lennon-McCartney actual collaboration, though both claimed ownership of the song. The song was done as a duet, a rarity in the Beatles catalogue, and while the song is partially about McCartneys courting his soulmate Linda Eastman, it also seems to address the faltering relationship between singers which at the time of the recording was extremely tense.

The song started out as a rocker, but as McCartney worked more on the composition it became much quieter and introspective. It is most acoustic guitar, with a short electric component, and a soft percussion beat. Lennon shouts out "'I Dig a Pygmy', by Charles Hawtrey and the Deaf Aids... Phase One, in which Doris gets her oats!". The shout was mixed in by Spector. The Deaf Aids, was a play on words, that the Beatles nicknamed their amplifiers.

The Mood Of Red Sox Nation.
Sox are up 7 - 3 bottom of 7th. They look like the might be back on track after being star struck from Malach the Merciless. Mood: Let's win out to the break.

Ooh, here's a shock.
Pardons anyone?

Benoit just won't go away.
Dr. under arrest now, and people are starting to call for a congressional investigation. Should be interesting.

Hey Toyi . .
Salman Rushdie wants to be your Sugar Daddy.

Why I love Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Becuase he's a cuckoo clock. Cuckoo, Cuckoo. C'mon Mahmoud, you giving Oliver Stone too much credit there.

Malach's Quote/Video of the Day.
I found a better version of the Bas Rutten video, Bas in the man.

I am Malach and I never underestimate the kick to the groin.

My Adventure with the Boston Red Sox


There is a new piece of fiction from Ben Byrd, entitled Evanescent. It has nothing to do with the band, thank God. Also you need to read Malach special expose' on Pro Wrestling over at the WoW. Me and my buddy Otis Serunigs uncovered a 50 year conspiracy . .. Oh yeah, speaking of Pro Wrestling:

Yeah, I am a bit of a internet whore

Some Clarification.
OK, Blogger was acting up a couple of days ago, but I managed to fix everthing and 6/29's blog is now up, and dated and timed correctly. That has several updates, info on this Beatles song, and a funny Sarah Silverman video as highlights.

I did a little digging to see what the issue was. Evidently, Blogger has been having issues like with FTP loaded blogs since the complete switch to Google. It will affect a number of these blogs for a few days then correct itself. The FTP Blogger community is pretty pissed about it because it is an obvious issue with Blogger, and should be a known issue, but Google keeps reffering people to talk to their host providers. Someone like me who has been using the FTP platform since 2004, it seemed weird that my FTP protocols would suddenly be screwed up. Well it fixed itself in about 42 hours, but like many FTP blogger, I seriously thought of switching services, we will see.

Also, in terms of yesterday's blog, well there is a story behind that . . .

My Adventure.
So, Malach has been playing on a Unified Special Olympics Softball team for about 10 years. I have told you stories about this before, but those of you new to the blog, I will explain.

Unified Softball consists of a team of half Special Olympians (who are disabled adults with cognititve functioning issues: MR, Borderline Intellect, Autism etc.) and half "normal" partners. The team is 15 with 8 Olympians and 7 partners. On the field you have 5 partners (at most) and 5 Olympians. Same with batting, but you can bat 11 with a Olympian batting in the extra spot. They then try to match physical skills of partners with the physical skills of Olympians, and division the team based on that. The lower level divisions have more severely disabled Olympians and partners with worse skills. Malach's team, Rick's Rangers, is in the top division, a step or two below a regular men's softball team (in fact we have beaten a few regular softball teams in scrimmages), and in the past 5 years we have won the Gold three times, the Silver once, and the Bronze once. MA Special Olympics (SOMA) uses us as a model team, while competitive, we display some awesome sportmanship, and have fun partners and athletes.

So, a couple of weeks ago SOMA asked us to represent them at last nights Red Sox game, they did not give us much info beyond that we would see the game, get on the field for batting practice (BP), be involved in opening ceremonies, and maybe toss out the first pitch. The Sox were putting on a Disability Awareness Night and honoring persons with disabilities.

OK, cool, Malach has always wanted to toss a ball out at a pro game, and perhaps, I could finally blow out elbow and get John Henry to pay for it. So we get to Fenway, we are lead into a waiting area, and we get to go out on the field for BP. They has this roped off section from dugout to dugout; got to watch the Rangers do BP (Yeah kind of Ironic we are Rick's Rangers), walk around the warning track, edge of the grass, see Sammy Sosa up close and blast some balls.

Ok, some impression, I have been to Fenway tons of times, never on the field. So, being right behind homeplate, and playing a lot of Baseball, I never really realized how close the Green Monster is, and the right field corner with Pesky Pole. I think with a Aluminum bat, I could probably reach the wall, ff I can could catch up to a fastball. The second thing I realized in the grass is so spongy, it really slows the ball down on grounders, and by the time they get to the fielder, they aren't going any faster than in my Men's Softball League. Interesting. So we are hanging out there, taking pictures, meeting Tina Cervasio, getting occasional glimpse of Francona, Ortiz, Beckett and such. Cool. There are also a couple of other disability organization out there, Miss America Wheelchair, and such too. We find out we are not throwing out the first pitch; a deaf girl a monkey are (the monkey was a capuchin monkey, trained to help quadripeligics). Kind of dissappoiting but what the Hell, still cool to be on the field.

So then a Red Sox official comes down, and tells us there has been a change of plans. They are going to annouce our names and positions and we need to head out onto the field in those postions, and then wait for the respective Red Sox player to join us out there (WHAT?); and then quickly meet them, stay out for the National Anthem, and then run back in. So needless to say we were a bit dumbfounded. Oh, and by the way, the whole thing was going to be carried live on NESN in front of maybe 10 million people.

So, Malach, who is the only pitcher on the team has to run out onto the pitcher's mound, and wait for Josh Beckett. Cool, you know Malach, he loves the spotlight, no problem. So, we run out onto the field, they announce all our names, Malach poses in his best stretch on the mound in front of 40,000 people. Some quick thoughts . .. yeah, I can do this for a living (pitching), and yes, the Green Monster is very short. Suddenly the Red Sox burst out of the Dugout, and after a quick hello, I show Beckett my elbow destroyed from years of pitching, asked for some advice, he tells me I am screwed. A few impressions. Besides Beckett, baseball players aren't too big. Manny was about my size, Dustin Pedroia is about 5'8", and Youkillis is the exact same size as Otis Serungis. So we get off the mound for the National Anthem, which is being sung by a kid who is deaf. He gets about halfway through it, and start giggling uncontrollably (remember this is live), Beckett and I start to half laugh, I quickly state, "if we can get the crowd to help" . .. suddenly as this kid is stumbling, the crowd burst into the remainder of the anthem. Great crowd it was awesome. Shook Beckett's hand, wished him good luck, we were wisked off the field to our Bleacher seats where we were stars for the rest of the evening. I looked on YouTube for a video of this, none up yet. I have a recording, so do a few others, so one should be up soon. Malach also has several pics of him on the mound (there is a cool one with my back to camera in a convincing stretch), but they are in Otis Serungis's camera, he has e-mail them to me. . . I will post them as soon as I get them.

I apologize for shaking Beckett's hand, I think I gave him a blister.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
So let me get this straight, the lose 2 in a row to the worst team in baseball, but the rest of the Division hasn't gained ground? Mood: I the AL East the worst division in baseball?

Look at me.
I'm CNN, I have a new website . . . BLAHBLAHBLAH.

OK, look.
If you are going to try to kill a vampire, stomping on it won't kill him.

Malach's Quote/Video of the Day

I am Malach, oh man, Bas Rutten rocks.

No Blog


But tomorrow Malach has some stories about the Sox, game, and perhaps some fun pics of him and Josh Beckett.

I am Malach and I stood on Fenway's pitcher's mound.

Carry That Weight


A couple today, first Sunshine 47 now up, entitled God's Tank, you will enjoy this one. Also in an attempt to make purchase of this website merchandise easier, I have started loading the stuff in my store. Another advantage to that is you can now see the rated PG13 and R t-shirts, that Zazzle won't show you unless you register, expect more soon. Also, thanks, this Zazzle store had been very successful.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
We are back to the winning ways, squeaking out a win vs. the Rangers. Now, some news. Malach is going to tomorrows game. Malach's unfied Special Olympics Softball Team has been chosen as a representative of MA Special Olympics to attend the game, batting practice, perhaps meet some players, and toss out the first pitch. The Red Sox are sponsoring a Disability Awareness night. Here a bit of Irony. My team is called Rick's Rangers (named after our coach). The Sox are playing the Texas Rangers. We will probably also get on TV sometime, so keep a lookout for Malach (6' about 225lbs, glasses, I will try to sneak in some type of ad for my site). Mood: Tossing out the first pitch.

You are listening too . .
The last 5 minutes of the side 2 melody on Abbey Road. The songs Golden Slumbers, Carry That Weight, and The End. This is how most of the word is used to hearing it, it is played this way on the radio. They are actually three seperate short songs, that fit extremely well together. We will go over each. This will also be the last songs I play off of that Album.

Golden Slumbers is the beginning progression and runs right into Carry That Weight. In fact both songs were recorded at the same time as a single piece. Golden Slumbers is based up the ballad of the same name by Thomas Dekker, and borrows heavily from the lyrics. McCartney saw the sheet music at his father's home, but being unable to read music, he was fascinated by the lyrics and went about creating his own arrangement. McCartney uses some very strong vocals in the mid part of the arrangement, and the song harkens to some of his solos hits of the 70's. The song fits beautifully in the time and place of this band. Lennon was not present for the recording owning to his auto accident, but did provide some vocal overdubs.

Carry That Weight is the climatic meledy that not only starts the end of the album, but also brings in a number of elements from early parts of the side 2 melody. It quickly segues into The End, with change of pace. The middle bridge of the song reprised You Never Give Me Your Money and also feature some rifts from Here Comes the Sun. This song again is about the break up of the Beatles; part of it is Lennon "carrying the weight" of guilt for his part of ending the band and Yoko coming in the middle, and the other part is McCartney reflecting upon himself taking on the majority of the business management of the band after Brian Epstein death, another contributing factor the bands demise. Many of the band members also echoed the sentiment that anything the every did solo, would never equal the whole, so the would always be "carrying the weight" of the Beatles.

The End is the last song to appear officially on the album (beyond a short 30 second "hidden" track), the last song of the melody, and one of the last songs ever recorded by the band. The song is very symbolic and interesting, all four Beatles have a solo in the song, including Ringo only drum solo he ever recorded. Ringo despises drum solos and had to be convinced to do it. They actually recorded the song with guitar accompaniment, but turned the volume down in mixing to get the effect of a drum solo. Each Beatles also has a guitar solo McCartney's poppy crunch (which has been heavily sampled in the hip hop community), followed by Harrison's techincal romp, followed by Lennon dirty feedback, you can hear each particular style in each solo. The song also ends with the famous line: And, in the end, the love you take; Is equal to the love you make. That line perhaps simply best describes the Beatles music and career.

More Chris Benoit
This is becoming almost and weird as the JFK assassination. The person who posted the death of Nancy Benoit 14 hours before they found her body, left a statement at Wikipedia today. You can read it here. It was also interesting to hear the first comments from Benoit's father, and comments from Chris Jericho and Bret Hart, friends of Benoit. It good actually to see Bret after his 2002 stroke.

Veggie Booty. Seriously, what the hell kind of name is Veggie Booty? Story time. Malach full time employer has the largest food pantry in Southeastern MA. I work one floor above it. Kind of nice, I can get tons of food for my clients when needed, and if I forget lunch . . . well, the other day, we got this new cup of soup in. It was called Cock Soup, yes it was chicken . . .

My God.
I wounder if I can view this garbage in YouTube? Why did I even ask?

Why fix it?
Just invade that part of Mexico. BEHOLD THE POWER OF MALACH!

Malach's Quote/Video of the Day

I am Malach and I read in Cosmo . . . ew.

WTF Danny Ainge?!?!?!


There is a new multi part story in Tainted Love Erotic Stories, this one is part one of The Story of Jade. As always TLES is 18+. Also, The Poetry of Christopher has updated with a short but meaningful poem called Go Slowly. Also Sunshine has updated with a strip about love, number 46.

The Celtics Draft.
Man, Ainge traded away the number 5 pick, Szczerbiak, and Delonte West, for Ray Allen. WTF, you guys want no defense next year? Sure your gonna score 120 points a game and probably win the Atlantic Conference, but man. You picked up an guy who was injured most of '06 and 32 years old. If you made a trade I was hoping for Garnett, or keep the 5, trade Peirce and build around Jefferson, Green, Tony Allen and the number 5.

I hope this means, there is something else in the works, like someone who can actually play defense. If the aim was to win in the short term, this wasn't it.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Once Again, we got a day off.

Woah . .
This is very interesting further info about Chris Benoit . . . Benoit Wiki entry was edited early Monday, stating he had missed some matches because of the death of his wife, hours before police even found the bodies, and the IP came from Stamford CT, corporate home of WWE. It would be interesting to see if Benoit edited them himself, by some sort of home log in to the WWE servers.

If you ever take a ride down I95 in CT. When you hit Stamford, look south, the WWE headquarters are right off the highway.

I would believe this, my cat Karma is the avatar of Bast.

Rover Opportunity
For a thing that was supposed to last maybe 90 days, those Rovers have been amazing. We have learned more about Mars in the past 3 years, that we did in the previous 30 from these things.

Malach's Quote/Video of the Day

I am Malach and I own the Apocalypse Ponies.

Have you seen Polythene Pam?


A couple of plugs today.
8 1/2 by Eleven updated, with episode number 548 more of the unrequited love Cinn has for Nillian.

Also there is a very well written article about recovery written by the recently ressurected Dr. Murk over at the WoW. Malach apologize for the tongue in cheek jokes he made in the comments section.

Also Just Me wrote a very intesting article at her blog, worth a read.

KMP Softball.
After Malach's worst pitching performance in 10 years, walking 6 batters in the first inning (I rarely do one) and giving up 7 I buckled down and we won 16 - 10. We are now 16 and 4, with 10 games left to play.

Prints of my work.
After a couple request, Malach is going to convert all his painting to prints at his Zazzle Gallery. You will find them all in my Art sub gallery. It will be many of the images you can see here and here. The beauty of Zazzle is they will put together any type of print you may want, based on you budget, you could spend as little as $10 or goes crazy and spend $500.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Every year, they is one team they can't beat, this year it is Seattle, the past few it has been Baltimore. Mood: glad to be returning home.

You are Listening too . . .
Polythene Pam, part of the 16 minute medley on the second side of Abbey Road. A very weird song, that follows Mean Mr. Mustard and runs into She Came in Through the Bathroom Window. A sort of Limerick type of song, Lennon admitted in the 1980 Playboy interview the song was about an evening Lennon spent with poet Royston Ellis and his girl friend Stephanie, the three wore polyethylene bags and slept together experimenting and exploring kinky sex. He also stated Ellis was the first person to show the Beatles how to get high, from the strips inside a Benzedrine inhaler.

The song is also linked lyrically to Mean Mr. Mustard, as it is stated in the song that Mr. Mustard has a sister named Pam. Another interesting feature is the song is sung in a Scouse accent.

More on Chris Benoit.
It is even more interesting to find out his son was diagnosed with Fragile X Syndrome and some of the things going around the family at the time . . . still there are A LOT of questions.

Well always have Paris.
Won't we?

And speaking of of the Beatles.
So what are the odds that Ringo and McCartney reform the band with Yoko and Olivia Harrison?

Queen Hatshepsut.
The Queen is HUNGRY!

Bald Eagle.

Malach's Quote/Video of the Day
Philosophy stands in the same relation to the study of the actual world as masturbation to sexual love. - Karl Marx

I am Malach and be prepared, I am growing my hair and a beard just like Karl Marx.

Hmmmmmm . . .


Lots of plugs today . .

Ok, here we go, first some mature plugs. Tainted Love Erotic Stories updated with a little erotic poem called Cock. Again, I must stress TLES is in 18+. In addition an fairly mature Sunshine has been loaded, and if you don't like the F-word, or dead celebrities commiting beastiality, this one might not be for you. Sunshine number 45 is now up. Also there is a really funny new Tales of WoW called What Really Happened. It deals with the continuing saga of the supposed death of Dr. Murk.

Stool Sample Webhosting's Reading Room is also proud to annouce the addition of a new writer. The Poetry of Christopher has just been added as well as his first of many pieces, The Lampost. Some good stuff here buckos, enjoy.

In other fronts, the Wand of Wonder, went a bit nutty today. Malach added an article, in part which describes yesterday's KMP softball game, and our win over the first place team. We were missing a number of our regular KMP fans, and one left at the bottom of the sixth, so that is for those who were not there.

Chris Benoit.
Ok, I feel kind of stupid for my RIP post about him yesterday, but I guess I dont feel as dumb as the WWE and their three hour tribute. Benoit evidently went home on the Thurday or Friday telling WWE officials there was a family emergency, and his family was coughing up blood. After going home, he mothodically killed his wife by binding her and strangling her on Friday, soffocated the son on Saturday, then hung himself Sunday. In addition he placed Bibles beside each body. The WWE actually contact officials after recieving "strange text messages" from him on Sunday.

Overall a very bizzarre murder-suicide, too take the amout of time this took. In addition, authorities found prescription anabolic steriods in the home, but according to the WWE website, he was test in April and was negative. Yes, steroid can cause roid rage type incidents, but to spread it over the course of three days? Doesn't really make sense. It is too deliberate, right down to leaving Bibles by the body; too thought out to be roid rage. If it is steroids, well now, not only can pro-wrestling start a huge campaign about the evils of steroids, so can all sports. Additionally, new information has come out that his wife filed for divorce back in 2004, but they never went through with it, including a restraing order.
At least Vince McMahon has dropped the current storyline where he was killed, man I have spent hours trying to explain some of my clients he wasn't really dead.

I suppose I felt for Benoit, as he was always described, and came across as one of the good guys in the business, though very quiet and private. It will be interesting to see where this goes. I suppose "Don't make me go Benoit on you" t-shirts are not appropriate?

Livy in the Sky with Diamonds
Worked on it some more over the past two days, after not touching it for a few weeks (that happens). If you want all of the images together click here. As you can see, I have really begun to detail the main pieces, the figure, the butterfly, the patterning, and added a number of expressive peice of color.

As far as color goes, the expressive stuff is just instinct, using color theory. You can definitely see the piece begin to get to a finished stage, If I had three days straight to work on it maybe.

I still feel I need to add somethng to the piece, and I am thinking about adding a very techical pattern to the figures clothing. We'll see.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Lost a Tavares meltdown last night, but so did everyone else in the division except Toronto who is now 10 out in 2nd. Mood: Yeah I'm Scared, eh?

Setting up the lawsuit.
Man, this is sucky way to lose your feet . . . I suppose cutting them off yourself with a pocketknife is a bit worse.

Perfect for those old school Creature Double Feature movies.

Back in action, what the over under on how long this good little Paris Hilton act lasts?

Wow, what's Mulder gonna do now.
So they are not only gonna solve Bigfoot, but also the Tungunska Explosion of 1908?

Malach's Quote/Video of the Day

I am Malach and it take a count of 623 to go from the Mall to Malach's house.

RIP Chris Benoit.


There is a new 8 1/2 by Eleven, number 547, and actually has a joke about copulation. There is also a new Fetus-X, this one is kind of above my head. Also after a few requests, I made the background image for the Ben Byrd story, Duty purchasable. You can find it here. As you can see it is fully customizable from size, paper quality, and framing.

Chris Benoit.
40 year old WWE superstar, his wife, and son were found dead today in their Atlanta home. Obviously this is a weird occurance, and an investigation had begun. Malach was a wrestling fan but hasn't been since 1998. Benoit was a awesome wrestler, tough as nails, and from what I understand a honest guy (strange in that business). Malach always liked his technical skill and tenacity, and how good he made his opponents look.

Unfortunately, Benoit (and his wife) just gets added to that long list of prowrestlers who died before their time. RIP "Snaggletooth".

You are listening too . . .
You Never Give Me Your Money, the opening song for their 16 minutes plus meledy ending the Abbey Road album. The song is penned by McCartney and deals directly with the Beatles money issues, and their lack of wanting to deal with them.

The song has some interesting tempo and styles changes, it begins with a classic ballad style, goes into a double time swing like session where McCartney goes into a barritone (some of readers in my age group will hear a lot of influence here on Radiohead, and Jane's Addition). A tight Harrison guitar compostion follows, that is then followed by a sing songy nursery sung over a Harrison track remiscient of Here Comes the Sun (Badge). The main riff to the song is later part of the Carry That Weight section of the meledy and it segues directly into Sun King.

The Meledy itself in very interesting. As stated previously it contains a number of short songs, developed during the White Album and Let It Be sessions, that were mostly unfinished. This song is then followed by 3 Lennon songs segueing into each other: Sun King, Mean Mr. Mustard, and Polythene Pam. Those in turn are followed by and segued by 4 McCartney songs: She Came in Through the Bathroom Window, Golden Slumbers, Carry That Weight, and the climax piece The End (notable for containing the recorded Ringo Starr drum solo). Many people not owning the album might not realize the last three songs are seperate songs, and nowadays classic rock stations play the three as a whole.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
I love you Josh Beckett.

Zero Tolerance Football.
So uh, Tank Johnson, um, you still let your 3 year old play with guns?

Some advice . . .
If your a life long criminal, and just escaped from prison after killing a gaurd, complete covering your face with tats is probably not gonna help you hide. Y'know just some advice.

Haven't got to do this in a while.
HEY ALANIS MORRISETTE! This is ironic, not your stupid song about irony.

Malach's Quote/Video of the Day.
Many of your know Malach works with the homeless, well this in my typical day.

I am Malach and I am bad.

It turns me on


Because you expect plugs from Malach's site . . .
Tainted Love Erotic Stories updated with the next and final chapter of Along the Road (Chapter 4). Again TLES is rated 18+, and take care there is some advertising for porn in the archive.

RIP Rod Beck, because . . .
He spent a couple of year in Fenway toward the end of the his career, was a fun guy and entertaining, he will be missed. RIP brother . . .

Because we love our Sox.
Sox win, Yankess lose, lead is 11. Mood: Malach still predicts 12+ by the all star break.

Because we hate the oil companies.
Bring gas back down below $2 a gallon and I will be happier.

Because "Chemical Ali" is an awesome name for a bad guy.
We will sort of miss you homie.

Because Juan Pablo Montoya is my favorite race car driver . .
we congratulate you . . . why is Malach's fave . . . because NASCAR is becoming more like Talladega Nights every weekend.

Because Malach likes to scare you.

Because we had a video yesterday, today we have a quote.
I always disagree ... when people end up saying that we can only combat Communism, Fascism or what not if we develop an equal fanaticism. It appears to me that one defeats the fanatic precisely by not being a fanatic oneself, but on the contrary by using one's intelligence. In the same way, a man can kill a tiger because he is not like a tiger and uses his brain to invent the rifle, which no tiger could ever do. ~ George Orwell

Because I am Malach I can do this.



Because you expect plugs.

Got none for my website, but I will plug a few things. Excellent article from Just Me. What else . . Jerry was a race car driver? And you might also notice, the reincarnated Dr. Murk is stealing artwork.

Because you want to know what you are listening too . .
A beautiful song from Abbey Road, Because. A ballad written by John Lennon, it has obvious influence from the harmonies the Beach Boys made famous. It is a 3 part harmony vocal overdubbed 3 times making it 9 parts. Sung by Lennon, Harrison, and McCartney, this is the song that proceeds the extended 16 minute melody of short song on the second side of the album.

The song music is supposedly Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven played backward. While not completely true, and reverse playing of that song by Yoko One is the inspiration for the piece. Yoko played it backward for Lennon, and he wrote the lyrics around it, gradually chaning the music as the song evolved. The lyrics are very beautiful and pretty straightforward (a shock for a Lennon piece).

This was also the last song of the Abbey Road session to be commited to tape, arguably the last song recorded by the group. The song has a number of instruments not previously commonly used by the Beatles including it's signature electric harpsicord (played by George Martin), a traditional analog synthesizer, and of course the moog synthesizer. One of the first bands to record with a synthesizer, this song has a lot of elements of 80's new wave. It was for it's time a very daring recording as it was not easily pigeon holed in any style of current music.

Because Ben Byrd asked for it.
This was a background behind Duty.
I tossed it together for a background image kind of related to the story. Christopher should like this.

Because you need to know the mood.
Sox won yesterday, and increased their lead to 10.5. Yanks lost today, now it is 11. Down right now 1 - 0 in the 5th. Mood: Very Confident we will have a 12 game lead by the break.

Because you had the need to know.
Because your facinated by Paris Hilton.
Because you expect a quote or a video.
I am Malach, just because.



Some interesting plugs.
First, Sunshine 44 is up, this is the first of the "very important" Sunshines Hex FedExed to me yesterday. If you are into the Chronic-iles of Narnia, you will like this one, and yes, I am sure Hex knows how to spell Asland correctly, it is part of the charm of the series. I also colored this one, and already made a t-shirt for it.

Also there are several other things you need to check out, including a art piece I made for the Deck of Many Things. Because the pic used the bodies of a number of my friends, and my wife, that has also been made into a tee.

There is also a anti-Guiliani WoW post from Malach up. Interestingly enough, one will notice the Deceased Dr. Robert J. Murk has commented on the post. That started a little mystery and then this. Can't keep a dead man deceased? We will see . . . .

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
I hate West Coast games, it just started. But the call up of Murphy was kind of a suprise, unless they are really concerned about JD Drews quads.

So, my lawyer buckos (and I know for a fact there are at least 2).
What kind of settlement could we get out of this one?

The level of stupidity.
So sometimes people do stupid things caught in the moment, but then there are people like this. This took a lot of thought, and not once you thought "Hey, maybe this ain't a good idea".

Free at last . .
Free at last, thank God almighty, she's free at last.

Kill me now.

Malach's Quote/Video of the Day
I wanted to sing other types of songs that Simon and Garfunkel wouldn't do. Mother and Child Reunion for example, is not a song that you would have normally thought that Simon and Garfunkel would have done. It's possible that they might have. But it wouldn't have been the same, and I don't know if I would have been so inclined in that direction. So for me it was a chance to break out and gamble a little bit ... The breakup had to do with a natural drifting apart as we got older and the separate lives that were more individual. We weren't so consumed with recording and performing. We had other activities ... there was no great pressure to stay together other than money, which exerted very little influence upon us. ... We didn't need the money. - Paul Simon

I am Malach and I am a rockstar

Here Comes Sunshine



546 of 8 1/2 By Eleven is up as is number 43 of Sunshine. As for Sunshine, Hex has give me 4 - 5 emergency Sunshines, so I will be interrupt starting tomorrow with these, and they are extra weird.
An Interesting Debate.
Christopher and I were discussing digital manipulation today, and how people like me, artists have a personal bias against it. My arguement is that that type of work, relys more on your programs than artistic skill. Pieces like at left, this took me about 15 minutes to put together using various filters, and art media type stuff.
Yeah, I guess I have a personal bias. It's cool and all, but was rather simple for me to do. Part of the debate was could someone get paid selling image like this? I am not totally sure, but I don't think so.
Any other opinions? Again, I am probably biased being a traditional artist.
You are listening too . . .
Here Comes the Sun, off Abbey Road, another extremely popular George Harrison composition. Interestingly, out of the three hits off of Abbey Road, Harrison penned two of them, the other we already explored with Something.
The songs genesis began with a songwriting collaboration Harrison had with Eric Clapton on the song Badge (you can hear that by clicking me), which was recorded by Clapton's groups Cream. Both songs feature a similar guitar rift. The final version of Here Comes the Sun was written in Eric Clapton's Garden while Harrison was avoiding Apple Records meetings. '69 was a difficult year for Harrison; he was arrested for marijuana possession, he had a severe case of tonsilitis, and he had also quit the band for a extended period. He wrote a song as an ending to this period, and perhaps could see the future of the Beatles in front of him. Many believe Harrison was inspired by the grueling Abbey Road shifts, and his sabbatical from Abbey Road Studios during those stressful sessions. At the time, everyone was just trying to get the album done, before their inevitable break up.
Harrison did the lead vocal, acoustic guitar, moog synthesizer, and the handclaps; McCartney: backing vocals, bass, and also handclaps; Ringo of course did the percussion. Lennon did not contribute, at the time he was recovering from a car accident. Various uncredited muscians played many of the backing orchestral instruments.
Here Comes the Sun is argueably Harrison's most beloved song and was voted so in 2006 by Harrison, who's songs before that had a fairly melocholy dourness to them, reversed with this song (and some of his later solo stuff). It was a very positive, upbeat song, without shmaltzy. Also, as the begining of the second side of the album, it made a nice fresh start (something that is lost with the CD age).
The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Day off . . . and the Yanks lost three in a row, to fall back to 10.5 behind. And Clemens lost again. There is also a interesting article here about Carl Pavano; man does he make the Matt Clement signing look good.
Holy Crap.
I been on these things a number of times . . . mental note, look for cables wrapped around body parts.
What has Malach always told you.
The state motto is "Live Free or Die" and I am serious, there are no laws up in New Hampshire.
Uhh, yeah sorry.
The all powerful Malach has a great and mighty thirst.
Happy Summer Solstice.
Malach would be there, but my druid robes are being cleaned.
Mother Paris.
Malach's Quote/Video of the Day

I am Malach and lil' darlin' it seems like years since it's been here.



Some updates tonight. First there is a new 8 1/2 By Eleven, episode 545. Second Tainted Love Erotic Stories was updated with the next part of Along the Road (Chapter 3). Again TLES is rated 18+. And finally, a very well written and a bit heartrenching story from Ben Byrd called Duty. While I don't want to give too much away it is a bit of a personal story about a family pet.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Let see, Beckett looked freaking awesome last night, and they are up 7 - 0 right now. Schill like I said yesterday is going on the 15 day DL, tired sholder, slight discomfort, no structural damage. Don't be surprised if the hold him out until after the All Star Break. Their rotation is set up right now with a day off, where they can skip Schilling, and not break the rotation, and then they can either bring up Daverne Hansack, Kayson Gabbard, or even John Lester (Lester I doubt they would bring up for one start), and get quality start. These guys along with Clay Buckholds are the arms of the future. They are also still 9 up on the second place Yanks.

Mood: Ain't depth great?

Ohh Dubya.
How long you got left?

There are claims by many that Dr. Murk is dead, but check out what I recieved today.

Malach's Quote/Video of the Day.

I am Malach and I want to run through your wicked garden.

Octopus's Garden


Not really a plug, but kind of.
No site updates tonight, I had a night game, and just got back. We won against the team we were tied for second for. Also, the Sandlot Softball site is back up, so you can follow along.

Also read about Ratzy's big plan over at the WoW. Look like most of us are going to Hell.

Malach's Silver Hammer.
I just realized I forgot to tell about Malach's Silver Hammer. First, Geek Alert. Malach is a RPG character I have been using for about 20 years. Know jokingly as Malach the Merciless, full name Malach diMedici. I always revive Malach when I roll really well in character creation, the latest version of Malach was in D20 Dungeons and Dragons and had an 18, a 17, 2 16's, and everything else was above 12. He is always a Mage. His one quirk he always had was his weapon of choice, a warhammer. In one of his most powerful incarnations was in MERP. In that he was some ungodly level, developed spells whose effect included liquefying an groups of enemies skeletons, and had a ultra power warhammer of disintegration and returing.

You are Listening too . . .
Octopus's Garden from Abbey Road. The song was mostly written by Ringo, with a small amount of assitance from Harrison. It was only the second song Starr had ever written, and the second to appear on a Beatles album, and perhaps his best know song.

Starr's inspiration was a boat trip in Sardinia, he was offered Octopus for lunch, which he turned down. The Captain began to relate a story to him how Octopi spend their day on the bottom of the ocean collecting shiny things for their nests. The song is thought to be part of the small collection of Children's songs The Beatles wrote (the other being Yellow Submarine, The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill, All Together Now). The song has been performed by the Muppets, The Wiggles, and Raffi, which futher propogates the notion. The song and many of the other mentioned can also easily be associated with psychoative drugs.

There are a couple of interesting sounds, included McCartney and Lennon's vocals compressed to create a gurgling sound, and Starr adding the sound of bubbles being blow into a glass. The charm of the song lies in it's simplicity and limted over production. It is about a retreat from the hectic life, and one into beauty, happiness, and safety.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Look, they are on a roll, and then a 48 minute rain delay. They are back on though, and Beckett's pitching a gem. Hopefully Schill just has a tired arm, he will go on the 15 day DL, and we bring Lester up. Mood: Let's close it out Beckett.

This is weird.
Of course I think we know where this will all end up.

Yeah, this ain't shocking.
Bloomberg was about as Republican as I am.

Hillary Soprano.
What makes in funny is how bad the acting is. Make sure you watch the video. Perhaps, just perhaps Malach will make an I Got a Crush On Hilary video.

Will the next Tiennamen Square be the Internet. Oh man, I just got banned by the Great Firewall of China.

Need Help Hiding Your Pot?
Just ask this nice officer for help.

John Travolta dissapproves of Anti-Depressants.
But he very much approves of secret homosexuals romps with random runaways . . that the way Scientology.

Malach's Quote of the Day
If God has made us in his image, we have returned him the favor. - Voltaire

I am Malach and Paul is Dead?

Malach's Silver Hammer made sure she was dead.


Before I give you today's we have a number of them coming up this week, including new stuf from Ben Byrd, Tainted Love's Erotic Stories, and the Poetry of Christopher.

For today we have a new 8 1/2 by Eleven (number 547 ish) and a new Fetus-X (once again something about sexy vampires).

So stay tuned.

An apology.
I forgot to plug C.Rag for pointing out yesterday's video I posted, sorry.

Paul is Dead.
This seems a good time to begin the Paul McCartney is dead urban legend that developed in 1969. I am going to give you a summary and point you to some weird and interesting website who specialize in this.

Basically the legend contends that McCartney died in 1966 and was replaced by a look-a-like and sound-a-like. Evidence and clues are found in the various Beatles recordings after 1966, supposedly diliberately placed there, and also hidden in backmasking, and clues are found in the art and album covers (perhaps the most famous in McCartney walking barefoot on the Abbey Road cover).

It has never been clear if this was a joke, or created conspiracy, and how much The Beatles themselves had to do with the initial beginning of it (and how much they propogated it).

The rumor began in earnest on October 12, 1969 when someone phoned radio DJ Russ Gibb indentifying himself as Tom and annouced McCartney was dead. He then asked Gibb to play Revolution 9 backward and supposedly Gibb heard the exclamation "Turn me on dead man".

A couple of University of Michigan students then published a review of Abbey Road and called it: McCartney Dead; New Evidence Brought to Light. In the article the published "clues" based upon Beatles Album covers, and the piece appeared in the Michigan Daily 2 days after the incident with Gibb. Gibb also produced a television documentary appearing about a month later called The Beatle Plot. It was aired on Detroit area television.

The rumor really gained momentum when it was discussed on a New York based top-40 station about October 20th. A powerful WABC station, it signal could be picked up in 38 states, and supposedly could even be heard on the extreme East Coast of Africa. Of course it was then picked up national and internationally by the news, and quickly became a new "Beatle craze".

The most common tale is that on Wednesday, November 9, 1966 at 5 am, McCartney, while working on the Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album, stormed out of a recording session after an argument with the other Beatles and rode off in his Austin-Healey. "He didn't notice that the lights had changed" (A Day in the Life) because he was busy watching the pretty girl on the pavement (Lovely Rita) after narrowly missing her dressed in blue (she's the blur on the back of Abbey Road) jaywalking (Blue Jay Way). He then crashed into a light pole (a car crash sound is heard in Revolution 9). He was pronounced dead on a "Wednesday morning at 5 o'clock as the day begins" (She's Leaving Home), and nobody found out this because the news was withheld: "Wednesday morning papers didn't come" (Lady Madonna). A funeral procession was held days later (as implied in the Abbey Road album cover).

There is no hard evidence for a crash, though McCarney's mini cooper was wrecked by a fried in January of 1967. McCartney himself got into a moped accident the day after X-Mas 1965, which left a noticble scar on his upper lip.

Accodingly, McCartney was replaced by a winner of a look-a-like contest named William Shears Campbell (Billy Shears is the leader of Sgt. Pepper Lonely Hearts Club band). Bass Muscians also noted a playing style change in McCartney after 1966, of course the entire music recording of Beatles changed as well.

These rumors, kind of petered out in the mid 70's but have found new life with the advent of the internet. There are a number of supposed clues, and there is good listing about 350 at this site (trust me, you can spend hours at some of these links). You can also go to Iamaphony's youtube account, and he's got a series of about 40 videos about McCartney's death. There is some interesting photo comparisons here, and if you's like a fresh look, go here.

I got Pacman Fever!
It's driving me crazy!

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Still hate Interleague play.

Thank you Issac Newton.
You gave us at least 48 more years long to live than the Mayans did.

Hey Muslims, calm down.
I have read Satanic Verse, very good book by the way, and so what, he poke fun at Muhammed . . he also pokes fun at the Jews and Christians too . . .

Dave Thomas.
Man, you must be rolling in your grave.

Well, uh, Maybe Britney,
You should have not had such an oh so public mental health crisis.

Malach's Quote/Video of the Day
If I were a better artist, I'd be a painter, and if I were a better writer, I'd write books-- --but I'm not, so I draw cartoons! - Charles M. Schulz

I am Malach and I have one this to say . . . TURN ME ON DEAD MAN!

Happy Father's Day or Bang! Bang! there goes Malach's Silver Hammer.


As promised The Wraith has been updated with episode 4.6. First, I need to disappoint a number of fans of The Wraith. It is going on hiatus. The main reasons for this are: Lack of time with the web design and commission art I am doing; and I need to focus on my 2 most popular webcomics, JesusMan! and Fat Bug. Now, that does not mean The Wraith is not popular; it is actually the third most popular comic in the Stool Sample Family. It is just right now, JesusMan! and Fat Bug are more popular and make me more money, and something had to give.

Now, I don't know how long it will be on hiatus . . . that depends mainly if this site becomes full time job in the future. This will allow me to update the two other webcomics more efficiently, and hopefully get 6 - 8 episodes a year out for you guys. The next will be Fat Bug.

Happy Father's Day.
To my Dad, and all my friends who are Dads (surprisingly there are not that many). I supposed Maxwell's Silver Hammer is an appropriate Father's Day song, no?

You are listening too . .
Another of those strange Beatles songs, Maxwell's Silver Hammer. A mostly McCartney tune, and once again he shows a bit of his silly humor. It is done in a Vaudevillian style and about a medical student Maxwell Edison who basically goes on a killing spree with a hammer. Despite the subject matter, the song in happy and bouncy, and as George Harrison described it a "bit fruity". Many critics saw this as a subconcous allegory by McCartney regarding the Manson Murders. McCartney himself just describes it as an allegory for the downfalls of life:

"Maxwell's Silver Hammer" is my analogy for when something goes wrong out of the blue, as it so often does, as I was beginning to find out at that time in my life. I wanted something symbolic of that, so to me it was some fictitious character called Maxwell with a silver hammer. I don't know why it was silver, it just sounded better than Maxwell's hammer. It was needed for scanning. We still use that expression now when something unexpected happens."

McCartney did everything he could to make the song a single, but it never was. Also according to Lennon, The Beatles spent the most money of any song on Abbey Road, on this song. Most of the band was not particularly thrilled with the song, and this can be seen in the Let It Be movie.
McCartney can be heard semi-laughing during the song as it seem Lennon mooned him while recording.

As for my blog title, Malach's Silver Hammer, only a few people will get that.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Well, Bonds hit a homer in one of the only parks he has never hit one in. Sox still won. Bye Bye Barry Bonds.

You knew this was gonna happen.
In Homeland Securities zeal to deport people, they might accidently deport you or I.

Never buy a Honda Accord . .
Or a least don't own one in Washington State.

Malach's Quote/Video of the Day

I am Malach and I don't have a crush on Obama, but Christopher does.

Something to tell the buckos.


Plugs (sort of).
Check out Malach latest to tick off the Christian Buckos post over at the WoW. I think I am going to do this everyso often, post strange Bible quote there, just for fun.

Also, evidently the webmaster over at Sandlot forgot to pay his internet bill . . . so you can't follow Malach's team online right now. It makes it a little tougher for me too, to figure out what plave we are in.

Also, another sort of plug. I just finished the new Wraith webcomic. I will load it tomorrow, as I want to redesign the archive a bit. More on that webcomics future tomorrow.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Well I guess steroids don't help you hit homeruns in Fenway?

Well here's a shock!
They Dibarred Angryman's hero Micheal Nifong. What the hell kind of ethnicity is Nifong anyway?

Speaking of Angryman.
This is another dude you need to read.

Rosie O'Donnel.
Hosting the Price Is Right? Any0ne else see this as a major mistake?

Well, 'tis a bit rusty . .
But I find it interesting what they put in for a time capsule. Leaded gas (which is now illegal), Schlitz Beer, which probably should be illegal, a bottle of downers, and $1200 . . . now tell me again you miss the '50's.

Kids these days, if it's not the booze it's the smack.

Malach's Quote/Video of the Day

I am Malach and don't use crack, unless you want to look cool.