Malach has abandoned Blogger


For the second time in two weeks, Blogger has gone down on me causing me to lose money. It has not allowed me to FTP publish to this blog for about a week. This is not the first problem I have had with Blogger and frankly I am sick of it.

The basic problem is it won't load onto the FTP. Blogger blames the setting (which haven't changed since 2004) or my host provider, wrong. My other Blogger blogs in same situations are fine. After doing some research this seems to be a common problem with FTP Blogger blogs, and Blogger could care less, neither putting it up to a fix, or under known issues.

I have loaded a new WordPress Blog it is located here. I have moved this blog and it archives to this address, the original address to Dropping My Daily Stool Sample now redirects to the new blog. Why did I do this? There is a lotof info in the old blog, a lot of very popular posts, and it is searchable.

Unfortunately this also seems to be happening with the Deck of Many Things. We will see if it fixes itself.

Thus ends a 3+ year relationship with Blogger. Their loss. Bye.

I am Malach and I am a WordPress man now.

Dig A Pony


The only plug I have for you is Malach's new Orkut Account, so ask me to be your friend, hopefully we can get 1200 like we do on our MySpace Account.

Blogger issue, AGAIN!
Blogger has been down all day for this blog, this is the second time in two weeks and again it is FTP issues, I am not sure if this blog will get up tonight, or tomorrow, but I have about had it . . . Wordpress, here I come.

You Are Listening too . . .
Dig a Pony off of Let It Be. The song was actually the last song played in the famed 1969 rooftop concert and this recording is taken from that, with a few Phil Spector time edits. Lennon wrote and composed the song and actually thought of the song as a "peice of garbage" which I don't agree with. The song, while containing a string of surreal to nonsense phrases in directed at his soon to be wife Yoko Ono. It is also known as one of the "sloppier" Beatles song, much more rock opera in style than their typical fair (much of Let It Be was though). It is defintely a live sounding intense song. The song is also beautifully harmonized with backing vocals from McCartney.

Spector is credited for emphasizing the blueseyness of the track and for really bringing out the "All I want is you" phrase/chorus. Again the lyrics are very funny, kind of a mix of the straightforward and a mix of more esoteric and surreal lyrics.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Well should of saved some runs for the Tigers for the previous nights games, pitching matchups also don't bode well for the Sox until the final game. Mood: Let's get 'em tomorrow.

Micheal Vick.
Ut Oh. Ron Mexico . . . Cash is getting closer to your jugular

Ahh, to be 11 again.
I recall being 11 . . .

Wow, Malach's gotta get this number, can you imagine "Hello this is Paris Hilton."

Chinese Dinosaur Bones.

Malach's Quote/Video of the Day

I am Malach and I dig a tapir.

Nothin's Gonna Change My World.


A few today. First, there is a new Sunshine, and this one is extra mature. It is number 49, and feature full frontal male nudity and references to pornography. Also the next Chapter (3) in The Story of Jade from Tainted Love Erotic Stories is now loaded. Tainted Love in also mature.

For the kids, there is a new poem from Christopher, called Travail Son. And a new 8 1/2 by Eleven (551). Also, CJ Owen has sent me a draft of his latest 3500 word short story, it pretty good, that will probably be up soon.

Some administration.
I am going to be slowly redesigning my site to be easier to navigate, which also mean some links will change. I am now getting just over 1000 unique visitors a day, that is up 100% for the begining of the year.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Well it is currenly 13 to 2 good guys in the 6th. Also congrat to Hideki Okajima for making the All Star team, Red Sox Nation loves you. Mood: What did Malach say, at least a 12 game lead by the break.

Is this the end?
For the Mars Rovers, we will see, but kudos to NASA for these two robots.

And in Local News.
Why? Seriously dude, you ain't gonna survive long in the jails around here, this I know from working with that population.

Great now I will have to watch Sarah Jessica Parkers dog ass face on a 50' screen.

Malach's Quote/Video of the Day
My confidence in venturing into science lies in my basic belief that as in science so in Buddhism, understanding the nature of reality is pursued by means of critical investigation: if scientific analysis were conclusively to demonstrate certain claims in Buddhism to be false, then we must accept the findings of science and abandon those claims. - Tenzin Gyatso

I am Malach and nothing will change my world.

Jai Guru Deva Om


No Plugs Tonight.
Hey it's a Holiday!

Happy 4th of July
Rain, New Beford Fireworks were cancelled and rescheduled for Saturday.

So More About Malach at last Saturday's Red Sox Game
Read the blog from a few days ago for more info. I do have a few pics though:
First one is of course Malach the Merciless on the mound at Fenway just before Beckett arrived out of the dugout to meet him, Second is Coach Rick (hence Rick's Ranger); my sister-in-law; Dan, who has Down Syndrome; James who is slight MR, behind Varitek. I got a video, but it is NESN, and MLB property, I am going to transfer it to MPEG format and we will see how long I can keep it up on YouTube before the MLB Police come get me.

You are listening too . . .
Across the Universe and absolute favorite of mine. A version of the song first appeared on the 1968 charity album for the World Wildlife Fund, No One's Gonna Change Our World. A modified and probably better version appeared then on Let It Be.

Lennon was inspired to write the song after listening to his then wife Cynthia speak, and the thought "words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup" came immediatley to his mind. He immediately grabbed a pen and piece of paper, wrote the lyrics, fell asleep and promptly forgot about them. Lennon stumbled upon them the next day, went to his piano, and began to write chords for them. The song is obviously heavily influenced by Lennon's short term interest in Eastern Thought during the time the song was composed. It is also influenced by his interest in Trancendental Meditation, hence the mantra Jai Guru Deva Om which links the verses and the bridge. The phrase roughly tranlates as Salute Teacher Deva, Om, refer to Brahmananda Saraswati aka Guru Dev, and Om being the natural vibration of the universe, and tantrict kind of chant.

The lyrics while straightforward and highly surreal as in much of Lennon's stuff from that 67 - 68 period. They are also hightly image based. Lennon himself stated it was perhaps the most poetic lyrics he ever wrote. The song was initially thought of as a single, but Lennon was not happy with it's direction. They tried a bit of everthing, including a comb harmonica, backing vocals from some Apple Scruffs. The track was put aside and forgotten. They had seriously thought about releasing it with the Yellow Submarine Soundtrack, but Lennon had become disillusioned with Eastern Philosophy by then and did not like the mantra of the song.

The Beatles were convinced after the song was heard by Spike Milligan to be released on the charity album he was putting together. The song was remixed by George Martin, the sonds of birds were added to the beginning and end of the song.

Though never fully satisfied with the recording, Lennon was very attached to the song and played it during the recordings of the Get Back/Let It Be sessions. The Beatles insisted on adding it to the Album, and by the time of the final albums mix, Lennon's contributions were limited anyway, and this was a good way to fill that gap.

The final mix, done by Phil Spector, is slowed several ticks, and full intrementation was added. This is the version most people are familiar with.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Gotta love the Devil Rays.

Now this is a real American!
Joey Chestnut!


Chilean Lakes.
Have a Crack Problem.

Al Gore III
So, when does this kid meet Dubya's two wild girls? And you can get a Prius to go 100 MPH?

Malach's Quote/Video of the Day

I am Malach, and you will read my blog

On Our Way Home


Only one today, a new 8 1/2 by Eleven, which continues the Cats v. Dogs debate. #550

Did you know.
Wife bought some cherries tonight, and did you know Malach can tie the stems with his tongue. That right, I am hot.

KMP Softball
Update. We played a very bad game yesterday and lost to the 9 - 11 Outlaws 12 - 4, but we bounced back today beating the Bombers 16 - 6. Currently 17 - 5 tied for second, but have the tie breaker.

So know the kid doesn't have Fragile X or even any other kind of disability? I can't wait to read the book.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Pretty much got the D-Rays in control in addtion the remaining 22% of their games are against the D-Rays, nice. Dice-K rocks. Mood: The TB D-Ray, the cure for what ails you.

Well, one out of two ain't bad.
This is sad to say, but prothstesis technology for the lower extremities is so good nowadays, I would rather lose a leg, that a thumb.

Argentavis Magnificens

Malach's Quote/Video of the Day.
Cocaine is one hell of a drug - Rick James

I am Malach and meanwhile, Rick James takes her nude, and there's nothing I can do.

Two of Us


A plethora of Plugs
Where to begin. Well Chapter Two of The Story of Jade, part of Tainted Love Erotic Stories is up. Again as always TLES in rated Mature. Also the poetry of Christopher has also updated, with a cool poem called The Line. Also perhaps the best Fetus-X in months is also loaded up, nice job on this one Millikin. Also, a very funny Sunshine number 48 is also up.

Something else . . . many of you sickos liked the Benoit shirt I posted in yesterday's blog. Well, Zazzle took that one day, as it had a digitally altered image of Benoit on the back, so I remade it, along with a Benoit request. Check em' out.

Yeah, I have no shame, and you people are sick, those 5 of you who bought banned one, I am not sure if you will have to rebuy them, Zazzle I am sure will email you. There is plenty of other stuff going in the store including more of my painting. . . and again, I take requests.

You are listening too . .
The Beatles final album I will explore, Let It Be. Most of Let It Be was recorded before Abbey Road was recorded, but the Beatles were unhappy with the album, our old buddy Phil Spector re-produced the album about a year after it was made, and it became the last album beyond compilations, and box sets, The Beatles released.

Without rehashing the story of these albums, Wikipedia has a pretty article on the finer points of it's development, the numerous production attempts, the bands almost disintegration and such. By the time Spector had gotten a hold of the album, with McCartney's reluctant agreement, The Beatles had all but officially broken up. The album was intially supposed to be a sort of live studio album, with accompanying film. Spector did try to recreate some of that, but McCartney especially was deeply dissastified with the album, Lennon stated: "He was given the shittiest load of badly-recorded shit with a lousy feeling to it ever, and he made something of it." Kind of a compliment.

Interestingly enough, the album is a mix for critics and fans, some really hate it, some like, some are king of so so. Personally Malach enjoys the album very much, thought nowhere near his favorite.

The song we listen to today is Two of Us, a rather interesting song, that might be the final Lennon-McCartney actual collaboration, though both claimed ownership of the song. The song was done as a duet, a rarity in the Beatles catalogue, and while the song is partially about McCartneys courting his soulmate Linda Eastman, it also seems to address the faltering relationship between singers which at the time of the recording was extremely tense.

The song started out as a rocker, but as McCartney worked more on the composition it became much quieter and introspective. It is most acoustic guitar, with a short electric component, and a soft percussion beat. Lennon shouts out "'I Dig a Pygmy', by Charles Hawtrey and the Deaf Aids... Phase One, in which Doris gets her oats!". The shout was mixed in by Spector. The Deaf Aids, was a play on words, that the Beatles nicknamed their amplifiers.

The Mood Of Red Sox Nation.
Sox are up 7 - 3 bottom of 7th. They look like the might be back on track after being star struck from Malach the Merciless. Mood: Let's win out to the break.

Ooh, here's a shock.
Pardons anyone?

Benoit just won't go away.
Dr. under arrest now, and people are starting to call for a congressional investigation. Should be interesting.

Hey Toyi . .
Salman Rushdie wants to be your Sugar Daddy.

Why I love Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Becuase he's a cuckoo clock. Cuckoo, Cuckoo. C'mon Mahmoud, you giving Oliver Stone too much credit there.

Malach's Quote/Video of the Day.
I found a better version of the Bas Rutten video, Bas in the man.

I am Malach and I never underestimate the kick to the groin.

My Adventure with the Boston Red Sox


There is a new piece of fiction from Ben Byrd, entitled Evanescent. It has nothing to do with the band, thank God. Also you need to read Malach special expose' on Pro Wrestling over at the WoW. Me and my buddy Otis Serunigs uncovered a 50 year conspiracy . .. Oh yeah, speaking of Pro Wrestling:

Yeah, I am a bit of a internet whore

Some Clarification.
OK, Blogger was acting up a couple of days ago, but I managed to fix everthing and 6/29's blog is now up, and dated and timed correctly. That has several updates, info on this Beatles song, and a funny Sarah Silverman video as highlights.

I did a little digging to see what the issue was. Evidently, Blogger has been having issues like with FTP loaded blogs since the complete switch to Google. It will affect a number of these blogs for a few days then correct itself. The FTP Blogger community is pretty pissed about it because it is an obvious issue with Blogger, and should be a known issue, but Google keeps reffering people to talk to their host providers. Someone like me who has been using the FTP platform since 2004, it seemed weird that my FTP protocols would suddenly be screwed up. Well it fixed itself in about 42 hours, but like many FTP blogger, I seriously thought of switching services, we will see.

Also, in terms of yesterday's blog, well there is a story behind that . . .

My Adventure.
So, Malach has been playing on a Unified Special Olympics Softball team for about 10 years. I have told you stories about this before, but those of you new to the blog, I will explain.

Unified Softball consists of a team of half Special Olympians (who are disabled adults with cognititve functioning issues: MR, Borderline Intellect, Autism etc.) and half "normal" partners. The team is 15 with 8 Olympians and 7 partners. On the field you have 5 partners (at most) and 5 Olympians. Same with batting, but you can bat 11 with a Olympian batting in the extra spot. They then try to match physical skills of partners with the physical skills of Olympians, and division the team based on that. The lower level divisions have more severely disabled Olympians and partners with worse skills. Malach's team, Rick's Rangers, is in the top division, a step or two below a regular men's softball team (in fact we have beaten a few regular softball teams in scrimmages), and in the past 5 years we have won the Gold three times, the Silver once, and the Bronze once. MA Special Olympics (SOMA) uses us as a model team, while competitive, we display some awesome sportmanship, and have fun partners and athletes.

So, a couple of weeks ago SOMA asked us to represent them at last nights Red Sox game, they did not give us much info beyond that we would see the game, get on the field for batting practice (BP), be involved in opening ceremonies, and maybe toss out the first pitch. The Sox were putting on a Disability Awareness Night and honoring persons with disabilities.

OK, cool, Malach has always wanted to toss a ball out at a pro game, and perhaps, I could finally blow out elbow and get John Henry to pay for it. So we get to Fenway, we are lead into a waiting area, and we get to go out on the field for BP. They has this roped off section from dugout to dugout; got to watch the Rangers do BP (Yeah kind of Ironic we are Rick's Rangers), walk around the warning track, edge of the grass, see Sammy Sosa up close and blast some balls.

Ok, some impression, I have been to Fenway tons of times, never on the field. So, being right behind homeplate, and playing a lot of Baseball, I never really realized how close the Green Monster is, and the right field corner with Pesky Pole. I think with a Aluminum bat, I could probably reach the wall, ff I can could catch up to a fastball. The second thing I realized in the grass is so spongy, it really slows the ball down on grounders, and by the time they get to the fielder, they aren't going any faster than in my Men's Softball League. Interesting. So we are hanging out there, taking pictures, meeting Tina Cervasio, getting occasional glimpse of Francona, Ortiz, Beckett and such. Cool. There are also a couple of other disability organization out there, Miss America Wheelchair, and such too. We find out we are not throwing out the first pitch; a deaf girl a monkey are (the monkey was a capuchin monkey, trained to help quadripeligics). Kind of dissappoiting but what the Hell, still cool to be on the field.

So then a Red Sox official comes down, and tells us there has been a change of plans. They are going to annouce our names and positions and we need to head out onto the field in those postions, and then wait for the respective Red Sox player to join us out there (WHAT?); and then quickly meet them, stay out for the National Anthem, and then run back in. So needless to say we were a bit dumbfounded. Oh, and by the way, the whole thing was going to be carried live on NESN in front of maybe 10 million people.

So, Malach, who is the only pitcher on the team has to run out onto the pitcher's mound, and wait for Josh Beckett. Cool, you know Malach, he loves the spotlight, no problem. So, we run out onto the field, they announce all our names, Malach poses in his best stretch on the mound in front of 40,000 people. Some quick thoughts . .. yeah, I can do this for a living (pitching), and yes, the Green Monster is very short. Suddenly the Red Sox burst out of the Dugout, and after a quick hello, I show Beckett my elbow destroyed from years of pitching, asked for some advice, he tells me I am screwed. A few impressions. Besides Beckett, baseball players aren't too big. Manny was about my size, Dustin Pedroia is about 5'8", and Youkillis is the exact same size as Otis Serungis. So we get off the mound for the National Anthem, which is being sung by a kid who is deaf. He gets about halfway through it, and start giggling uncontrollably (remember this is live), Beckett and I start to half laugh, I quickly state, "if we can get the crowd to help" . .. suddenly as this kid is stumbling, the crowd burst into the remainder of the anthem. Great crowd it was awesome. Shook Beckett's hand, wished him good luck, we were wisked off the field to our Bleacher seats where we were stars for the rest of the evening. I looked on YouTube for a video of this, none up yet. I have a recording, so do a few others, so one should be up soon. Malach also has several pics of him on the mound (there is a cool one with my back to camera in a convincing stretch), but they are in Otis Serungis's camera, he has e-mail them to me. . . I will post them as soon as I get them.

I apologize for shaking Beckett's hand, I think I gave him a blister.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
So let me get this straight, the lose 2 in a row to the worst team in baseball, but the rest of the Division hasn't gained ground? Mood: I the AL East the worst division in baseball?

Look at me.
I'm CNN, I have a new website . . . BLAHBLAHBLAH.

OK, look.
If you are going to try to kill a vampire, stomping on it won't kill him.

Malach's Quote/Video of the Day

I am Malach, oh man, Bas Rutten rocks.