Closed for the week end.


Will be out of state for the weekend, so no updates until at least Sunday night (depending on how much work I can do).

2 Things:

1. Bump the Kanoodle ads
2. Bump the Buzz Comix and Weblist Comics buttons

One more thing, a new guest strip entitled Notched Blade to be appearing soon. Details to follow.

Hey Buckos


I will be away a couple of days this weekend to attend a wedding, so expect no new uploads of The Wraith, or JesusMan after Friday . . . Until early next week. Since the new site has gone up (a new site that is much neater, more easily navigable, and much easier to link too) our hits jumped almost 15,000. Thanks again. Hit those Kanoodle ads, and comic list buttons!!! It has helped this site immensely!! The new site has also gotten me some work.

A new JesusMan will be uploaded tonight or tomorrow, and you will see some funny stuff, involving the Anti Matter and True Matter Popes. The Next Wraith will appear possibly Monday, more likely Tuesday. I am slowly adjusting the style some more. I have been looking a bit at Akira and Ghost in the Shell. While I am not going that extreme (time), It is helping with some stylistic, and design stuff.

Some big news, RubberSuit Studios et al is now sydicated, and should start appearing in some RSS readers soon. This at once is really scary, and really exciting, form what I have seen there are very few webcomics sydicated. If you want the xml for the feed, it is located here: adding it to your sites/feeds would be AWESOME!!

Thanks as always for the support, it is very appreciated. Thanks to to the members who have begun to make the Minimum Security Forums a fun and happening place, join now and be one of the originals!



I hate to be a Negative Nancy, but I LOVE KANOODLE. Not only is there ad programs better than googles (It pays a Hella more), there ads are much easier to set up. I should have done this 3 months ago. I stil do not hate Google (at least they have not gotten into the AOL realm), but anyone interested in doing ads for their site, Go Kanoodle!



You will notice, the Kanoodle ads are up. They are much less anal that Google, so click away buckos.

The next episode of the Wraith is about 50% finished.

Now, I have taken some pot shots at the city of New Bedford Ma. Well, go to their website (, check it out. Come and visit. Tourism for this city is what it needs.

Zach Chelpat: Our faithful new Anchorman has appeared in both comics. He is based on a real person . . .in fact, visit his blog. Now a quick message for the Guinencologist . . . you to can appear in there hallowed tomes, if you play your cards right.

Finally, click those BuzzComics, and Webcomic list buttons, and make these comics go up those list . . . there are two buttons for each comic, and you will make Malach ever so estatic!

RubberSuit Studios Update

Now that I have this new blog, and thanks to for the files to set this up, I can now more easily keep you updated with the goings on of this site. Firstly, I LOVE the new site . . . I invested in some nicer web development software (for those interested it is MS Front Page 2003, and GIMP (, it is allowing me to expand this site, and more easily publish the webcomics.

Jesusman and The Wraith are going along well and have been fairly popular. I am now able to separate the two for the webcomic listing sitesout there. Speaking of the listing sites, bump those buttons everyday! I am currently working on the next pages of Jesusman and The Wraith, The Wraith should be finished tomorrow.

Google Adsense
Thanks for all the work on the Google ads, but unfortunately my Google Adsense account was disabled . . . Why? According to Google, repetitive ad clicking. We I asked for a more concise response, they responded by saying that there was a group of 25 IP addresses clicking the ads everyday . . . .WTF, ISN'T THAT THE POINT???

Well no worry buckos, I am adding Kanoodle ads ( Not only do they pay a better rate per click, they are less anal about who clicks. Goodbye google . . .

Rubbersuit Studios

THANKS! As of this writing 59,099 hits on this site, that is 30,000 hits per month. I would like to thank CO:TCG (1200 links) Czone Central (500 hits) for leading in linking to this site. This site is now searchable on all the major search engines, as well as the webcomics.

We have since 4/5/o5 added a fan forum, it called Minimum Security. We currently have 17 fun members. We have had a lot of guests, looking at the forums. Do not be afraid to join. Just remember, that forums are mature, and read the rules.

Thanks again for the outpouring of support. Keep encouraging me, and don't be afraid to contact me. I am thinking about running some guest strips . . .

More Old Blog Shiite


3/19/05, 8:47PM.

First and for most, I would like to thank everyone who has made this so far a success. 25,000 viewd as of 3/17, since we opend 2/28. I don't know how many are repeat views, but 25K is AWESOME.

A few questions/comments I have got about Stool Sample.

1. Materials: Bristol Board, non comic size (getting rid of some old stuff) 12" x 18". Micron India Ink pens, various sizes, Various colored Prismacolor Markers.

2. JesusMan: Why? Well, 32 years of Roman Catholic Indoctrination . . . And to be honest . . BuddhaMan just ain't as funny. Yes it will insult some, but what do I care . . . I love nasty emails.

3. What is the relation between Malach, Dr. Murk, Mr. Rubbersuitman, Hex, Turpis, etc., etc.: All will be revealed in due time.

Thanks again, and please don't hesitate to contact us.

3/21/05, 8:39PM.

I think you can begin to see a huge stylistic change and imporvement in technical skill in the latest page of The Wraith. I have become very comfortable with the materials and you will being to see a bit more experimentation in the future, mostly with collage and mixed media. I think I need to warn some that The Wraith is a mature comic .. . The Wraith has always been a very violent chracter.

Some more New Bedford (NB) History. In the 1960's after several destructive Hurricanes, the Army Corp of Engineer, built the largets stone Dike in the US, at the entrance to NB Harbor, since that time, damage from Hurricanes/storms has been minimal. Here is a link for some info:

3/24/05, 9:04PM.

JESUSMAN! The serious is getting much more darkly humerous, Blasphemous . . . Keep those e-mails coming. I am VERY happy with the art on this one.

3/28/05, 9:04PM

THANK YOU! 32,000 hits since this site opened in late February. I asked you guys to bump my google ads and boy have you responded, not only have I made enough money to continue producing this "Top Quality Product", I have earned enough in one month to pay for site hosting for 6 months. You complete me.

Ok, now a back to Stool Sample, and a bit more. You will notice subtle ads for local companies in my comics . . . totally intentional, and may I add free.

ABC Disposal Serivices:
The Standard Times:
SRTA (Southeastern Regional Transit Authority):

I hope the companies see this and, "reimburse" me.

New Episode of JesusMan, hopefully tomorrow!

3/30/05, 9:04PM.

Ok another favor from the kids. New Buttons to Press.

This is from a site called Buzzcomix ( By clicking on this, you will get these comics bumped, more people will see them, and this site will take off even more. Only stipulation is that an individual IP can only click once per 24 hour period. So when you are bombarding my google ads, whats one more click. I would also like to thank for accepting these comics, and giving me 50 links to it since being accepted 2 days ago.

4/04/05, 10:13PM.

Once again thanks for the success of this site. Some quick stats, 36,000 hits since 2/28, getting listed by several big web comic list. We now are listed with all the search engines for RubberSuit Studios, JesusMan, and The Wraith. At BuzzComix, our comincs went from 3580 to 689 in a week. They turned over a new cycle and we are at 150. KEEP VOTING and VOTE EVERYDAY! I want to get in the top 100.

The new episode of The Wraith will be posted tomorrow, and I am waiting for the next script to JesusMan from Hex, Spacefarmer, and Turpis. Send them a e-mail and get on their ass.

The next big news is that we will be opening a Forum in the next few days, this could get dangerous.

4/05/05, 12:29AM.

Ok, I lied, burned the late night oil, and The Wraith is now up . . . Actually it is tomorrow . . . and my birthday.

4/06/05, 12:23PM.

Ok, we have now opened a forum entitled Minimum Security. There you can meet other fans, inteact with the creator of these webcomics, and generally just have a good time. They have just opened, so get in early and make this your place to go. Good members from other forums have already joined. We want this to be your place, so make suggestions.

4/06/05, 12:23PM.

Ok a question (don't forget about our forums, it is easier to answer your questions).
Why black and white? When I was into comics, there was a huge underground movement. They were all black and white (mainly for expense purpose). I am looking for that gritty, black and white, underground look. I am very happy with the art of the page 8 of
The Wraith. It is getting that feel.

Now for a little comment. I have looked at quite a few web comics. It seems to me they fall in generally 2 catagories: Slickly drawn and colored (via computer) and poor writing, or excellent writing, and poor graphics. Perhaps I am wrong, but that is what I see. I am also begining to make a anti-manga comic.

That is all of the old stuff, a new update soon!!

Past Shtuff

Here are reprints of the blog from my last site, enjoy:

3/11/05, 12:23PM.

I though it might be entertaining and perhaps educational if I kept a BLOG, of my experience with The Wraith, and JesusMan. First some house keeping. The first episode of The Wraith is finished and should be uploaded tonight or tomorrow . . .Jesus man is in progress, I am waiting for the script from Hex, which should arrive this weekend.

The Wraith will be interesting. I have never done a professional comic or comic strip. I am not completley comfortable with the style I am using. I am not yet comfortable with the materials. I have not even picked up a comic book since the late 80's. With that being said, I am fairly happy with the result. The strip has obviously influences of R. Crumb, Dave Sim, Frank Miller, and Bill Sienkiewicz. The style will change as I become more comfortable with the process. In this first episode it is all done with markers, but I have gone out and will switch to brush. I will comment on the direction of style in later posts and you can observe the change. Enjoy, and as always we welcome your comments.

3/11/05, 8:24PM.

Unfortunately The Wraith, is experiencing a unintended delay. My wife went away for the weekend, and TOOK THE DIGITAL CAMERA WITH HER! What does this mean for you? Unless I can find another, The Wraith will appear on Sunday

3/13/05, 7:01PM.

The Wraith, is about to go live. The camera is back, you can expect it soon. As this series begins, I want to give you a bit of background. The Wraith, and many of the characters who will appear in this series have been on and off fun for myslef since High School, from silly comic strips, to RPG characters The Wraith has always been around in some form.

New Bedford, MA (NB) is a real city, it is my place of residence. NB in way is very similar to many other small cities of 100,000. Yet it is very different. NB is famous for being the number one fishing fleet in the US; being the home sity of Ishmael in Moby Dick. NB is steeped in the early history of this country, and at one time was the richest city in the US. NB was the capital of the world for whaling.

That is NB to a tee. Leader of dying industries. NB has been in economic depression since the 1970's, it is better, but still sports 10% unemployment. NB has beautiful downtown, that could rival Newport, RI. NB is also littered with Tenements, Projects, Homeless, and the Mentally Ill. You can go 5 block and this city and see multi-million dollar 300 year old whaling mansions, and burned out crack houses. It is the black sheep of Massachussetts, ingnored by lawmakers in Boston. NB has the potential to be an amazing place, but first you must get the $4.00 bags of heroin off the street, and break the cycle of fear that the gangs hold on parts of this city.

It is into this city, Bob DeTerra, The Wraith comes into being.

3/15/05, 8:19PM.

Recieved the script for JesusMan, and to use a word you will hear a bit in this series . . .It's Fuggin' Hilarious . . Expect some JesusMan action soon.

3/17/05, 8:47PM.

I am 95% done with the second page of The Wraith, and you can already begin to see a bold change in style and materials. Admittedly, black and white inking is not my forte', but I am learning.

Three words . . . Eastman and Laird. I have pulled out my old Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics (you young'uns won't remember their early series). The inking style is exactly what I want. So I have begun to play with the style pretty extensively, and I am much happier with the result.

The next page of the Wraith should be uploaded in the next few days. If you like these series (JesusMan and the Wraith) do me a favor and click on my ads . . . the pay form them helps to keep this site updated.

You may have noticed, I removed the blue on this page. It seems several MAC users have had trouble here. I hope it is fixed.




Just seeing if I have this working correctly


New Blog Experiment, hated the last one, try it out Buckos and tell me that you think.