Hey Buckos


I will be away a couple of days this weekend to attend a wedding, so expect no new uploads of The Wraith, or JesusMan after Friday . . . Until early next week. Since the new site has gone up (a new site that is much neater, more easily navigable, and much easier to link too) our hits jumped almost 15,000. Thanks again. Hit those Kanoodle ads, and comic list buttons!!! It has helped this site immensely!! The new site has also gotten me some work.

A new JesusMan will be uploaded tonight or tomorrow, and you will see some funny stuff, involving the Anti Matter and True Matter Popes. The Next Wraith will appear possibly Monday, more likely Tuesday. I am slowly adjusting the style some more. I have been looking a bit at Akira and Ghost in the Shell. While I am not going that extreme (time), It is helping with some stylistic, and design stuff.

Some big news, RubberSuit Studios et al is now sydicated, and should start appearing in some RSS readers soon. This at once is really scary, and really exciting, form what I have seen there are very few webcomics sydicated. If you want the xml for the feed, it is located here: http://www.rubbersuitstudios.com/malach.rss adding it to your sites/feeds would be AWESOME!!

Thanks as always for the support, it is very appreciated. Thanks to to the members who have begun to make the Minimum Security Forums a fun and happening place, join now and be one of the originals!