More Old Blog Shiite


3/19/05, 8:47PM.

First and for most, I would like to thank everyone who has made this so far a success. 25,000 viewd as of 3/17, since we opend 2/28. I don't know how many are repeat views, but 25K is AWESOME.

A few questions/comments I have got about Stool Sample.

1. Materials: Bristol Board, non comic size (getting rid of some old stuff) 12" x 18". Micron India Ink pens, various sizes, Various colored Prismacolor Markers.

2. JesusMan: Why? Well, 32 years of Roman Catholic Indoctrination . . . And to be honest . . BuddhaMan just ain't as funny. Yes it will insult some, but what do I care . . . I love nasty emails.

3. What is the relation between Malach, Dr. Murk, Mr. Rubbersuitman, Hex, Turpis, etc., etc.: All will be revealed in due time.

Thanks again, and please don't hesitate to contact us.

3/21/05, 8:39PM.

I think you can begin to see a huge stylistic change and imporvement in technical skill in the latest page of The Wraith. I have become very comfortable with the materials and you will being to see a bit more experimentation in the future, mostly with collage and mixed media. I think I need to warn some that The Wraith is a mature comic .. . The Wraith has always been a very violent chracter.

Some more New Bedford (NB) History. In the 1960's after several destructive Hurricanes, the Army Corp of Engineer, built the largets stone Dike in the US, at the entrance to NB Harbor, since that time, damage from Hurricanes/storms has been minimal. Here is a link for some info:

3/24/05, 9:04PM.

JESUSMAN! The serious is getting much more darkly humerous, Blasphemous . . . Keep those e-mails coming. I am VERY happy with the art on this one.

3/28/05, 9:04PM

THANK YOU! 32,000 hits since this site opened in late February. I asked you guys to bump my google ads and boy have you responded, not only have I made enough money to continue producing this "Top Quality Product", I have earned enough in one month to pay for site hosting for 6 months. You complete me.

Ok, now a back to Stool Sample, and a bit more. You will notice subtle ads for local companies in my comics . . . totally intentional, and may I add free.

ABC Disposal Serivices:
The Standard Times:
SRTA (Southeastern Regional Transit Authority):

I hope the companies see this and, "reimburse" me.

New Episode of JesusMan, hopefully tomorrow!

3/30/05, 9:04PM.

Ok another favor from the kids. New Buttons to Press.

This is from a site called Buzzcomix ( By clicking on this, you will get these comics bumped, more people will see them, and this site will take off even more. Only stipulation is that an individual IP can only click once per 24 hour period. So when you are bombarding my google ads, whats one more click. I would also like to thank for accepting these comics, and giving me 50 links to it since being accepted 2 days ago.

4/04/05, 10:13PM.

Once again thanks for the success of this site. Some quick stats, 36,000 hits since 2/28, getting listed by several big web comic list. We now are listed with all the search engines for RubberSuit Studios, JesusMan, and The Wraith. At BuzzComix, our comincs went from 3580 to 689 in a week. They turned over a new cycle and we are at 150. KEEP VOTING and VOTE EVERYDAY! I want to get in the top 100.

The new episode of The Wraith will be posted tomorrow, and I am waiting for the next script to JesusMan from Hex, Spacefarmer, and Turpis. Send them a e-mail and get on their ass.

The next big news is that we will be opening a Forum in the next few days, this could get dangerous.

4/05/05, 12:29AM.

Ok, I lied, burned the late night oil, and The Wraith is now up . . . Actually it is tomorrow . . . and my birthday.

4/06/05, 12:23PM.

Ok, we have now opened a forum entitled Minimum Security. There you can meet other fans, inteact with the creator of these webcomics, and generally just have a good time. They have just opened, so get in early and make this your place to go. Good members from other forums have already joined. We want this to be your place, so make suggestions.

4/06/05, 12:23PM.

Ok a question (don't forget about our forums, it is easier to answer your questions).
Why black and white? When I was into comics, there was a huge underground movement. They were all black and white (mainly for expense purpose). I am looking for that gritty, black and white, underground look. I am very happy with the art of the page 8 of
The Wraith. It is getting that feel.

Now for a little comment. I have looked at quite a few web comics. It seems to me they fall in generally 2 catagories: Slickly drawn and colored (via computer) and poor writing, or excellent writing, and poor graphics. Perhaps I am wrong, but that is what I see. I am also begining to make a anti-manga comic.

That is all of the old stuff, a new update soon!!