Minimum Security Upgrade


Fun time.
I have upgraded the forum and put on a new skin. There are quite a few skins to choose from, and I will be posting images of a few of them this week, so we can vote upon a final skin. Join the fun, you can reach Minimum Security here.

You are listening too (Xmas Edition) . . .
Indian Giver, The Squirrel Nut Zippers, Christmas Caravan.

And he did it in Record Time!
I could beat him I bet.

And now for something a bit serious.
I have been following this case since it's beginnings, and even though the kids were killed, it is nice to see there is finally some closure in this case, which does not often happen. Rest In Peace little angels.

When White Trash wins the lottery.
If my girlfriend dies, of a drug overdose . . I think I would have at least found a better way to dispose of the body. Remember kids, don't do drugs, unless you want to be cool.

No really, Steven Jobs has done a helluva job trying to compete.

Those kooky Ruttan Boys.
Hey, where's my inexpensive space flight?

Home Schooled freaks.
Yeah so, I bet he's all fugged up in the head.

The Hell's Angels.
Nice to see they have learned a thing or two about the US Court System. What, you expected a smart ass comment, I ain't that stupid.

All right.
I have been following this story for awhile. Some of the tech they are putting into this paint is amazing.

Crouching Spongebob Hidden Patrick.
Ahh, I see he is off to covert Asia into a land of homosexual sodomites also.

Is it just me or has he been more entertaining off the field than on. If the Eagles were smart they would make a Reality Show out of it.

This is Shocking . . .
Unless it is a Typical Vince McMahon swerve, it is nice to see this.

I can see this working for a lot of sports.

The Neil Armstrong Biography.
So is this the book they reveal the moon landing was all a big hoax?

Pyramids in Bosnia?
I bet they find a statue of Bruce Lee inside (if you are a long time follower of this blog, you will get this).

Tom Cruise . . . .
Wow, what a guy. I think once he gets wind of Murk and My latest podcast, he goes nutty with the ultra sound.

Speaking of Murk.
He has missions planned, to be posted soon. This is gonna be FUN! Just like the Church is the Middle Ages.

Malach's Quote of the Day.
I've always wondered if there was a god. And now I know there is -- and it's me. - Homer Simpson

I am Malach, and I am wearing boxer briefs.


Andy T. Nguyen said...

Heck if he's nuts, think of what will happen in therapy.........oh wait, Tom Cruise doesn't believe in crap like that.

I can picture something totally off the wall occuring with him in the next few years

Anonymous said...

Obviously that men was not only harvesting drugs but also had them inside his brain, what the heck about wraping a cadaver under a van?

Tom Cruise!! now I see, money created the need of stupid things lol

That question in court was so logic... that is why they rather not to answer.. men people need to realize when they go from work to abuse!