Another Short blog, it's the holidays Goddammit!


A special Xmas JesusMan!
I have thrown together a special Xmas JesusMan! for all the buckos out there. It is entitled Xmas Interlude. Enjoy. Special thanks to Mrs. Malach for the gift of Magnetic Dress Up Christmas Jesus, which I used to make the episode. And I suppose I should thank Normal Bob for such a fine product.

Necromancer Ned.
A new Necromancer Ned Hannukah episode is also up. Episode Ned 13, is up for all my Buddhaheebs.

You are listening to (Xmas Edtion) . .
Christmas is Going to the Dogs, by the Eels. It is off the How the Grich Stole Christmas, not a great sound track but two or three interesting songs on it.

Malach's Quote of the Day.
A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned to walk forward. - FDR
A liberal is a man too broadminded to take his own side in a quarrel. - Robert Frost

I am Malach and I am a Communist


Anonymous said...

you forgot to talk about conserberals

WTF are conserberals?

Christopher said...

Conserberals = Murk and his band of Merry Men.

We're conservatives who want to blow everything up and start from scratch. We love Jesus, Buddha, Johnny Mathis and Steve Irwin.

We dress in women's clothing, but drink our scotch alone.

Now I'm worried.

What me worry?

Do you ever worry?

Yes, I worry about the world at large, and what is happening to it.

Andy T. Nguyen said...

I shall rule the world with only latkes!

Sooo.....should we worry NOW??

If Palmer rules, very much

I'll build the nuclear fall-out shelter in the Sierra-Nevadas. You bring the food, Mrs. Malach, the kids, the dog and ..... don't forget the dog. Yeah.

No dog, just a cat named Karma

KITTY!!!!!!!!!! *purrr*

I love kitties!