
Fat Bug.
The new Fat Bug would be up right now, 'cept my comp crashed and I lost 75% of the panel. This means I need to put the images back together. I would do it right now, but I am too pissed to look at it. Perhaps I will burn the midnight oil . . . it will defintely be up tomorrow. For being so patient, here is a sneak preview. As most of you know, Fat Bug will be after Mega Tokyo. This is the next attack in the War against the establishment. I have left a brief new mission in the forum, and as soon as the new episode is up, there will be an all out blitzkreig. Stay tuned to the forums. Down with MegaTokyo!

On the plus side.
I am going to do some RPGing tonight after about a month off, so you will see a new Friday Night RPG Cartoons soon.

You are listening too (Xmas Edition) . .
Mr. Hankey the Christmas Poo, no need to say more.

Malach's Quote of the Day.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! - Malach, after his computer crashed.

I am Malach, and I can make you a Xmas Poo.


Andy T. Nguyen said...

Mega Tokyo.........think the guy will sue if he finds out?

Yeah, Like he can afford a lawyer. Anyways, it is Spoof.


I'm sorry, Mal. That IS a Christmas bummer. Chin up, we're patient observers of the Fat Bug.