There's always next year.


Still my pick to win it all in XLI
Uncharacteristic sloppy play did them in. Too bad. I can still remember when they were the laughing stock of the NFL. Watch out next year. Well Murk and I are now 5 and 1. 4 turnovers are too impossible to overcome. So now I will pick the Colts to win it all.

The Angry Piper found a special old episode of a one shot Sydney Slasher Comic from 1988 or so. The Sydney Slasher One Shot can be found at the bottom of the Misc. Debris home page under the Olde JesusMan link.

There is also a new Friday Night RPG Cartoons loaded. Episode 1.4. I used the new scanner on this one, hence the images are much more clear.

Malach's Quote of the Day.
When Gary told me he had found Jesus, I thought, Yahoo! We're rich! But it turned out to be something different. - Jack Handey

I am Malach and I am a PATRIOTS fan!


Anonymous said...

Oh, thank GOD!

Thanks God for?

Anonymous said...

I was right about tthe broncos beating the patriots. I'm 4-2 right now.

and the broncos are going to beat the colts next week, so you my as well give up to the power of me and the power of the broncos!!!!!!!!

The Broncos will not beat the colts and the colts are not going. As for the Power of the Broncos, the Broncos did not play a particularly good game.