Happy Birthday part II, Superstar


Yet another sappy blog.
Once again wishing my gorgeous wife a Happy Birthday since today is officially her birthday, you should do the same. Also another song for You are listening to . . in dedication. Ice Cream, by Sarah McLachlan. This was our cake cutting song at our wedding.

The best name in Webcomics since Palmer's crap.
Stool Sample Webcomics would like to officially announce Sprite Worlds That Combine And Stuff (SWTCAS) as the newest edition to our ever growing family. It's creator PsYcHOuT can be contacted via our forums. SWTCAS is a eccentrically funny romp through video games, and video game characters, with intermission of other webcomics thrown, should be interesting.

Also, since I have had a lot of interest in submitting stuff here, I made a policy page.

Also, we have another new partner blog, and by far the sexiest blogger I have ever seen. Check her out.

More stuff you might have an interest in.
The Pope updated his blog today. And as ever can the man spin a yarn. Also, our friend, Mr. Tooserious not only updated his blog, he did 2 of them. My God, I almost joined him in death.

BuzzComix buttons.
They still work, they are just showing up as errors. They are above the blue ones. Here is my rant. Hey Buzz. You are the number one webcomics listing site. WHY DO YOU HAVE SERVER ISSUES TWICE A MONTH. DUMP YOUR PROVIDER!

Let's go for the obvious jokes ..
Slippery When Wet? They were Livin' on A Prayer. I 'm Cowboy, on Steel Horse I Ride! Yeah I went there. Hope none of them broke a hip.

Malach's Quote of the Day.
He has the mustache of a titan! - The Tick.

I am Malach and I give love a bad name.


Anonymous said...

Awww I want a 707 now!

Birthday wishes to Superstar!!!

I guess BJ should Have a nice Day

It's just like a slip and slide....*swish* WEEEEEEEE!