Some new stuff.


There are 6 count 'em 6 new page of Star Crossed Lovers up. Pages 22 - 27 are there for your perusal. Star Crossed lovers has perhaps 5 pages left to publish and will be coming to a permanent close soon.

There will also probably be a new episode of Friday Night RPG Cartoons tonight or tomorrow.

You may notice as you cruise around the site, I made some adjustments to the pages to make the site easier to navigate. This site has a 182 pages (yeah surprised me). What I did was make every comic accesible from the Stool Sample Webcomics Main Page, and I also add a little navigation key to the main pages of each webcomic with buttons that lead back to the Stool Sample Page, our forum, this blog, and our shop, as well as each having the main navigation bar at the bottom of the page. This should stop people from getting stuck.

Webcomic Review- This Comic Sucks
I went through about 120 pages of the Webcomic This Comic Sucks today while it definitely did not suck, it was not great either. A long running series from about 2002 has a fairly sizable following. It is your typical 4 - 6 panel newspaper, slice of life, style comic, that tries to make comedy about pop culture, movies, politics occasinally, etc. It also tries to be a bit over the top at times. I find that mostly it does not work. I did not laugh at one strip though it was a bit entertaining. It is not something I would bookmark, nor probably read again though. It suffers from many of the things I have described in ReIventing Webcomics. It seems at one time this was put up to be an anti-webcomic and still tries to be but at this is miserably fails. It is now like every other webcomic out there. Example, there is a talking piece of feces in the strips, but the characters plays too much of the cute anime beast (which in actuality it is making fun of). I've seen talking shit before, much more entertaining. It also has a attached blog which mainly bitches about how much of a pain in the ass it is to keep the strip on schedule.

On the plus side, the art in the most recent episodes is slick (even though VERY simplistic), the compostion is standard, so the strip is easy to follow. The comedy is low brow, so if you like that stuff, you might like this, even though I found it very over played.

Over all, it does not get the Malach seal of the approval, but I have seen much worse stuff.

Ahh the Pope!
I love his blog! And it was updated today too!

Good job Choas!
On being the first to complete this mission (Page 2 last entries). Need more buckos to do this so get to it!

Malach's Quote of the Day.
Outside of the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the country. - Marion Barry.

I am Malach and I have the highest murder rate in the country.