Menau, Menau


Some quick updates. Our Alexa ranking is now at 113,643, that is awesome. We are probably a week or two to getting under 100K. You guys with Alexa tool bars have been awesome. We our ave rank for the past few weeks has been about 30K. Our page reach is 17.5 (this means that 17
.5 out of every million people with the Alexa toolbar are visting this site and the are 10 million users), and people with the tool bars are also viewing on average about 18 pages per day. Thanks guys.

Our average daily hit for October was about 5,500 hits, best so far this month, our average daily unique visitors was about 120, our average daily visitors was close to 300. This is a huge increase from the middle of the summer when this site started to pick up steam. Thanks also for bumping the webcomic buttons (Honestly, I only care about the hits I get from being in the top 200 and not the actual rating), the ads (the extra change has convinced my wife not to bash this stuff), and some cool conversations and e-mails.

I am about 50% done with the next episode of the Wraith, which will continue in infinite canvas style, like the last episode, while the wraith is in this hallucinatory dream sequence.

I am also about 50% done with putting together the first Stool Sample Webcomics collection book. Which will feature, The Wraith, JesusMan!, both Ned comics, The New West, and Notched Blade. Perhaps some surprises.

The Joy of Being Micheal Brown
Once again, I need to show you a political cartoon by Malach. It seems Malach was right on the money with this one according to this article.

Wow, he's not dead yet?
Joey Buttafucco is da man.

Funny Mental Picture number 4352:

Big Black Holes.
Well, they ain't seen my buddy Kevin's anus yet.

So let's see . .
Fuel is up 50%, Heating your home at least 30%, Inflation the highest in 25 years, and now you want to cut food stamps?

See what those whorey Bratz dolls have created.
Ambercrombie and Fitch sucks anyway. Malach is getting into the T-shirt business, I tell you. Who wants to wear my new "Sperm Guzzler" T-Shirt? I know I can get Palmer for at least 30 of them.

OK so this blonde walks into Sumo Match.
Ok, the headline here made me guffaw.

Please, let me kill her, I will do it quickly.
Tyra, next time eat your self up to 350Lbs. I'll watch that. I bet you I can get here to wear a "Drop your Cleveland Steamer Here" shirt.

See, they pay people to do studies like this.
The Jews were right, foreskin in the devils flesh.

Malach's Quote of the Day.
"People don't know the great things Scientologists do, within education, and how they really try to help the community. It's just a very positive, wonderful thing." - Tom Cruise.

I am Malach, and I killed Nicole Brown Simpson (but not Ron Goldman)


Andy T. Nguyen said...

By sperm you mean whale and guzzler you mean eater.

NO, I am an environmentalist