He is here or HEEE'S BAAACKKK


Fat Bug.
Fat Bug has returned to the world of sequestial art. The world will never be the same.

Fat Bug was a fairly popular underground comic, at least here in the Northeast, about 15 years ago. Fat Bug whole series was just him, destroying the DC and Marvel Universes, in the most violent and creative ways possible. It had a couple of years run on a forgettable press and in the final episode, he created a black hole, which sucked in what remained of the universes, and then he disappeared. Well I got in touch with the creator, and they have agreed to revive the series for Stool Sample Webcomics, so here it is buckos!

A warning, this comic has always been and will remain mature, 18+, riding the edge of the "R+" rating. You see what happened to Superman in the first episode, imagine what he did to Wonder Woman (which I refused to reprint). Fat Bug is a rude, profane, violent, nympho beetle, and he always goes with his baser instincts. I will be making a Comixpedia article about this soon, for more info.

This time he will be taking on the world of webcomics, and as you can see, he just found MegaTokyo. As an added bonus, if you webcomic is destroyed by Fat Bug, you get this snazzy button to the right.

Fatbug will probably not just limit himself to webcomics totally, and possibly destroy sites. If you have something you want Fat Bug to destroy, just contact me.

Malach's Quote of the day.
What the f*ck does w00t mean? - Fat Bug

I am Malach and I am giddy.


Andy T. Nguyen said...

*GASP* What if he destroyed Jesusman!?!?!

Tis possible...

Anonymous said...

Fatbug better not bring the thunder this-a-way, or I'll cram my pipes up his arse so far when he opens his mouth we'll hear "Scotland the Brave".

Anonymous said...

I have the same question wOOt? seriously!

Fat Bug enjoys a good ass cramming

Can Fat Bug piss on my blog?? PLEASE?!?!?!?

My first request . . . I am sure that can be accomplished

Christopher said...

*a hush falls over the crowd* U justme sighting!!!!