The Iscariot, Dubya, and a Homosexual Sulu.


The first episode of the Iscariot chapter of JesusMan! is now published. With out tooting my own horn, the latest episode (4.1) is by far the best of the bunch art wise. It is done like the last episode of The Wraith, in the infinite canvas style, and I am VERY happy with the result. I hope you guys like it. Neither strip is converting to full time Infinite Canvas, but there will be special episodes in that style. Doing those two pieces has taught me a lot about Paint Shop Pro also, and I am to the point where I feel I have a pretty good mastery of a large part of it.

This brings me to a little bit of bad news, both comics will be on hiatus for about a week, so I can get some stuff done and have not been able to devote some time too. I need to get a book together, and the plans have changed. It will no longer be JesusMan!, but most of the Stool Sample Webcomics family. It will be about 50 pages, and I am going to aim for making it a cheap as possible for the buckos to purchase. Addtionally, I need to put together a bit of design changes about the site, create some new banners, start a new ad campaign (sneakpeak: STOOL SAMPLE WEBCOMICS SUCK!) and put in a free gifts page of wall papers, buttons and such. I also have a little project I need to work on for SlotsAnswerMan. I will keep ye updated.

I got a message from the White House today. I have posted it on the Stool Sample site.

A Homosexual Sulu.
Anyone who finds this shocking has not listened to Howard Stern for the part 10 years.

Hey doofus, Alanis Morrisette.
This is also Irony.

And this . ..
is Stupidity.

Hey my wife is a potato peeling, drunkard! Oh wait thats backwards.


OK, Sign me up.
I am ready buckos.

Malach's Quote of the Day.
He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire. - Winston Churchill

I am Malach, and I got a letter from Dubya.


Andy T. Nguyen said...

Who is this Plamer is he speaking of!?!?

You know, that speech impediment he has.