Hey Buckos and Buckarinos!


This information, will explode your hard drive in 10 minutes.
Some stuff for you guys. There is a new JesusMan! uploaded, episode 3.14. As for the series, there are about 2 maybe three more pages of the next episode, and the JesusMan! will take a sort of hiatus. The next episode will be called "Iscariot" and will be done in the Infinite Canvas style. It will be a bit more darker, more black comedy, and possibly be several canvas panels long. I expect it to take me several weeks to complete one.

Addtionally, I have re-photoed all of JesusMan!, and reloaded all the pages. I am going to clean them up a bit, and then get the first JesusMan! book on the market, hopefully before Christmas (how appropriate). Further, I am trying to work a business deal with one of my links partners, to bring you t-shirts, posters, more stickers, and maybe just maybe signed original comic panels. Stay tuned.

I just spoke to Murk, and hopefully the first podcast will be up the latest Monday. He is just doing some last minute editing. If you would like to advertise on this podcast, contact me or Murk.

And finally, I purchased the domain name http://stoolsamplewebcomics.com today. I did it for possible future exapansion, and give Stool Sample a broader web identity. If you click the link, it will forward you to the redesigned page. Well see what else happens in the future.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
It over, not surprising; you'll see a brand new team next year. Paul Kanerko will be the first baseman.

Malach's Quote of the Day.

God is a concept by which we measure our pain. - John

I am Malach and I could kick your arse.


Andy T. Nguyen said...

The voice of Malach will soon be heard!


Anonymous said...

Not my arse, you couldn't. I must break you.

And the voice of Malach loses its novelty after you've heard it since 1986.

Ok then how about your ass?

Andy T. Nguyen said...

So my head won't explode?

Perhaps you nether regions will explode