No One Expects the Spanish Inquisition!


Malach has made a life descision . . . Malach is abandoning Catholicism. Now, I am sure you are asking yourself "Malach, your Catholic??". Yes. I was born and raised in the Catholic Faith, attended Catholic Schools, married in the Church, kids Baptized. I wasn't per se a good Catholic, but I had a basic belief in their philosophy and what not. I even stood by the Church and their attempts to change after the Pedophilia instances. Well, Malach can no longer stand the Catholic Church. What happened? The New Pope, Ratzinger. His goal is to turn the clock back on the church, to a time, when the church was intolerable of non Catholics, persons of alternative lifestyles, women, and science. You see, the Church has actually improved quite a bit in this area since Vatican II. Even, John Paul, though conservative, was smart enought to see the change that was going on in the Church.

This Pope . . . Do you know in a recent interview, when asked about the US, he essentially said the US can go screw itself, if it won't fall in line with Conservative Church doctrine. That he would even go as far as excommunicating preists and Catholics who would not fall in line. This Pope has placed edicts within the US structure to fall in line, or else. I have alot of contact with my local diocese because of my job. Do you know, that in the schools, the new mission is "Creating Good Catholics, to spread the word of Catholicism, and education is secondary". There have also been a new round of firings if you are: Divorced, in a active homosexual relationship, not a regular church goer (Do you know how they find out if you are not a regular church goer? If you don't turn in your donation envelopes), you can expect you pink slip.

This has done it for me. Ratzinger, methinks you need to sit down and review the New Testament, and figure out what is REALLY important. I don't recall Jesus ever saying that man is a good judge of man, or that we should discrimate. The Church, needs to take more responsibilty for what goes on in the world. I blame the Church and it's antiquated and discriminatory morals for the AIDS epidemic in Africa, and the over population of the world.

More stuff for Dubya to F*ck up
Well Renbquist died today . . . That means, that Dubya can push in the Conservative Moral judges he wants. And O'Conner retiring. Say goodbye to your rights.

Would you name your son "BJ"?
Not only is that a bad name for a male, but the Baltimore Orioles have two players on their team named BJ. That must have something to do with there bomb after the All Star break.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Excited. As the season winds to a close and they maintain this lead, we'll get a little loopy.

Loudmouth Football League
Methinks Dr. Murk better be ready for a ass chaffing.

Michael Vick.
The most overated man in Football. Don't like him, and he will never be a good QB, until he learns to pass from the pocket, and not run around like a maniac. To these Vick lovers, that fill my airwaves: Hey you guys remember Kordell Stewart? What Vick's a lot better? Ok, compare Kordell and Vick's best years.

Compare Vick's 2004 Stats with Kordell's 1997 stats. Not much difference huh? This in more in Malach's NFL analysis, coming to this blog soon. So, until he can prove he is more than Kordell, he is OVERRATED. And the same hype Kordell.

Lee Iacocca and Snoop Dog.
Seen the commercial? How does Snoop get away with calling him a Mofo Cocca (for those of you uneducated in the language of the street Malach will tranlate: Mutha F*ckin' Iacocca)? And man, Snoop that golf swing.

New Orleans and Racism.
OK, yes, most of the people you see there are Black. The the biggest majority of poor black and latino in this country. That is the way is it. In is inherrant racism, mixed with a lot of other things. The Middle and Upper Class left the city, they had the means to do so. That left the poor.

New JesusMan tomorrow. Keep on hitting those webcomic vote buttons!

The Community Autism Resources Walk-A-Thon is next weekend. One of Malach's favorite charities. If you are in the area, contact them for info, if not, give them some cash.

I am Malach, and my name is not BJ.


Andy T. Nguyen said...

And people didn't believe me when I said that the pope was evil...

Evil, no, misguided and out of touch, yes.

Christopher said...


According to the prophecies at Fatima, John Paul II was the last Pope and that an Anti-Pope would assume the, what, throne I guess?

Anyways, New Pope is evil. Sure he seems nice on his Secret Page but I just know he's got a much broader and eviler agenda... Say hello to the private sector Catholic lay people!

Welcome to the world of being a recovering Catholic.

Joey Polanski said...

A Polish pope is a tuff act t follo.