I'm Like Sam Da' Butcher Bringing Alice Da' Meat!


So, Murk, Piper, and Myself had our little get together the other night. Well, we did make a major breakthrough. We figured out dames. If you would like the answer to what makes women tick, e-mail me, and we can set up some time of payment plan.

WTF, you just sucked up my tie . . .
So reading Discover Magazine today on the toilet, interesting article. Evidently they are building this huge particle accelerator in Geneva, that is going online in 2007. The thing is 17 miles long and slams particle together at energies of 14 trillion volts, resulting in a billion particle collisions per second. They are hoping to create theorectical entities on a small scale, such as supersymetric particles, Higgs boson, and black holes (I just lost my wife here).

Theorectically, black holes require more energy to create than what this accelerator can produce, so they think that if they produce one, they will have tapped into another dimension as the energy required is beyond any energy they have yet discovered in the known universe.

If they do create this black hole, it would be one millioth the size of an atomic nucleus, and billion times hotter that the sun, and laste a billionth, of a billionth, of a billionth of a second . . . .HOPEFULLY too brief to swallow matter around it. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I love it, comic books come to life!

Upon the beginning of the mighty NFL 2005 Season.
Some surprise: 49ers, Panthers, the Vikings.
Some not so surprising: the Pats, the Cheifs, the Jets.
Colts tonght should be interesing, and Philly, Atlanta even more.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Still three game ahead, could be worse.

I am Malach, the New King of All Media.


That is part of it.

Christopher said...

If they succeed they will have unified all 4 basic types of enenrgy: Electromagnetic (light and radio waves etc), strong Nuclear force, weak nuclear force and gravity. Essentially it would prove that all things in the universe are made of the same fundamental particle of energy.

This is something most eastern monks have known for centuries. Gotta love billion dollar progress.

Mal, send me the link if you have it please!

Dr. Murk is at...
Hill TV

No link, it is in the latest issue of Discover.