
So this morning, I am doing my webcomic crawl . .
as usual, going to the 5 or so webcomics I actually read. One of the happens to be 8 1/2 by Eleven. Most of you know, Fat Bug will be destroying 8 1/2 sometime by the end of the week . . . well it seems Tedzsee made a pre emptive strike with his comic from 2/1 (currently posted, updates daily). I LAUGHED MY PANTS OFF. I loved it. Funny as hell. Only problem is Fat Bug has yet to be posted . . might want to redo the comic after witnessing the destruction.

Tedzsee, if read this, no hard feelings, if I am gonna host stuff like Fat Bug, I am gonna have to be able to take it. But you did get a crazy idea . . . I want to re-publish any revenge comic on my site, and of course link back to the comic itself, so what do you say? (UPDATE: He said yes, tomorrow it will be up) BTW, you daily visitors might go through the roof, I posted links to the comic in a lot of places.

As for 8 1/2, I have reviewed it in the past, but will do so again as this comic deserves it. This is one of those "style" of comics, I constantly complain about . . . the 4 - 6 panel, joke-a-day type of shlock that has invaded the web and is prolific throughout the genre. 8 1/2 is one of those but different. Different because it is a hell of a lot better than 99% of them. First the comedy is intelligent, and very rarely misses. The strips are well thought out compositionally, and the cartooning is very well done. Compare early 8 1/2 to later, HUGE improvement artwise. Tedzsee is one of those cartoonist who can do the style effectively and not look cheesy or contrived. His storyline are very well done, as is the overall writing, and the way he interweaves the story arcs.
The thing that gets me, with this series is the characters, you geniunely care for them and are interested in finding out what they are doing. I like Nillian, Leyla, Cinn, Jess, Sam, even Scott. If I were to compare this to anything famous it would be Peanuts, as young adults, and most of you know my respect for Peanuts. One of my visions for Stool Sample Webcomics is to be able to pay for quality webcomics and creators to publish under my banner; this would be on the top of my list for acquisitions. This sound much worse than I mean it, but I say all the time . . . Even Malach like a wussy comic (yes this is a compliment). Tedzsee is also one of few webcomic creators I would work in conjunction with.

When Mr. Rubbersuitman presented this idea (cause he knew I liked this comic) I never hesistated to agree to it . . . I am not sure why, perhaps out of a tribute (although is a very weird way).

What 2 reviews in one night?
Yes, Malach has found another webcomic he likes. 5ideways. Found it trawling I like it enough to give it a free link. What do I like about this. Read the story, complex and interesting, great setting. I also like the art style quite a bit. It is by no means perfect, but I can definitely see this one building up a following and improving as the artist becomes more skilled. The story can be a bit muddled and slightly confusin so reread it if you need too. The art has some issues also, but all are minor and will only improve with practice.

A brief synopsis (and if the author links back here might help them if I don't get it completely). Somethihg weird has happened with the world, and our reality. Two friends are fighting for their life in this mixed up world. Alex is the extrovert, the woman's man, the adventurer, Tom is the introvert, the thoughful one, afraid of danger and change. Tom's wife dies at the begining when the world get's nutty, he finds out she slept with Alex his best friend; and she turns into a monster (read it). The world goes nuts. They fight monsters, find a strange "woman" and the three search for the rest of humanity. Good stuff . .. check it out. Small archive too, hasn't been on the web that long.

The BUG Challenge.
BUG is a man of his word, as well as a genius, and TWO new episodes of Notched Blade are up. 2.4 and 2.5, and he just emailed me 2.6 to complete the cycle. Also an interesting statement from BUG.

You know, while doing 1 strip a day once every few monthes isn't that hard,
it got me thinking back to when I used to run this comic everyday for 8
monthes of the year. Its hard to think up different concepts.
Its exactly like you said in 'reinventing web comics,' comics that update
daily tend to have a lower quality of art work, and weaker over all
As you knowI agree with that. It is an interesting debate. Get's some hot under the collar.
Happy Ground Hog day.
Well, it has been extremely strange weather this winter here in New England. Same it seems in the part of Canada my bud Nehadi's from. I would say that is has averaged 45 degrees plus all winter, and the little snow we have gotten has disappeared within a day. Strange. BTW, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow.
Well, I guess . .
I could fire myself . . wanna see the dreaded cartoons? Check 'em out.
Interesting way to die.
So . .
I was gonna go on a rant about this but I changed my mind, being Black History Month and all.
Malach's Quote of the Day.
Racism is not an excuse to not do the best you can. - Authur Ashe
I am Malach, and I am a "webcomic journalist"


Andy T. Nguyen said...

The Lumberjack is coming!

Anonymous said...

oh I loved those comics lol they cracked me up lol (the ones about Middle East) lol

tedzsee said...

Interesting reading two reviews of your comic in one night. This guys seems like he didn't like my comic at all.

He thought I was trying to imitate louder more aggressive "joke" strips, when my comic isn't really about humour at all.

And he said my characters were weak. Weird.


Watching Eagle said...

Hey Malach, I'm pointing a couple artist friends of mine in your direction to check out your work.
..that blog ins't the active one I use. WatchingEagle is the active one ;)

Thanks Nehadi, I will add you to my links.

Tedzsee, he is probably into video game comics.

Toyi, watchout, you don't want a jihad on you head.

Anonymous said...

oh certainly not want that lol, in that case I won't have the right to laugh I guess!