Happy Valentine's Day, Super Star


Yes, I like to get it in before the clock hits midnight.
Happy Valentines Day. I love you more and more each day. The song posted today for "You are Listening too . ." is a special song that would have been my wife and mines wedding song, if not for the profanity at the end. It describes our early relationship, and how we came together. It is a good accompanyment to Star Crossed Lovers, which is similar subject matter. The song is Star Stuck One, by the Smoking Popes. If you are not familiar with the Smoking Popes, they will be a featured band here in the future. Wonderful pop punk stuff. Typical early to late 90's power cord punk, with a lounge singer, Morrisey-esque vocal style. They released 2 major label releases (Born to Quit, and Destination Failure), and broke up in 1998. They have done some reunion shows here and there, as they have a huge cult following, and have recently gotten back together. Awesome stuff. And they are a Myspace friend of mine.

Speaking of Smoking Popes:
Ahh, John Paul II . . . you are so sexy . . . another quick JesusMan! preview for the masses. That Pope, he is a smooth talker no?

That should get the wife in the mood.

So had the day off from work . .
Cause of the blizzard, the wife, kids and I went sledding! Besides Malach hip checking a cement wall, no major calamities, and that wall will never be the same again.

Blogger sucks, but MySpace is 1000 times suckier.
Man, the fuggin thing take 20 minutes to load, and constatly has errors, I don't know how the slaves stand it.

I'd put up a link to MySpace, but I can't get it loaded.

Malach's Quote of the Day.
I also say that if there isn't a response to what's been happening to the people out there, there's going to be a great explosion one of these days, and this will not be one of the nicest places to live. - Richard Pryor

I am Malach, and I think my wife is the coolest chick I ever met.


Andy T. Nguyen said...


Anonymous said...

ehheheeeh Malach you have a nice excuse to get a nice spa with your wife... so you can make up with your hip not forgeting your wife at the same time lol

Anonymous said...

oh PS

Malach maybe you are getting old! lol



Anonymous said...

Yeah old!!

Anonymous said...

well, that hip won't help you later tonight........if you know what I mean

*moves eyebrows up and down*

My hip is fine, the wall, now that is not. Old, I am 34, that isn't old.

Happy Valentine's Day Mal, Superstar, the Lil' ones and Kharma!

Please pet the kitty for me!!

I love you all very much! (Does that sound queer? Oh well...)


Anonymous said...

old? Well but that means you are ahead of us... you get there 1st lol