The End.


And just in time for Valentine's Day.
Star Crossed Lovers published it final four pages today (28, 29, 30, and Fini). The webcomic has ended. I hope you enjoyed it as this book is very important to me, and a big part of my life. As always it is dedicated to Superstar. Thanks to all the people who have read it, and all the readers of Stool Sample Webcomics, for making us a hit is so little time. If you would like to discuss anything about this comic, especially it's technical aspects, drop me a line, or contact me in the forums.

I think I am going to enter it though, gotta find a link. Anyone know where to enter it, I want to raise the Iranian Bounty on my head . . . Perhaps a new political cartoon about the Crusades being fake? I don't know I was just on Gooya, can't find nothing. BTW, you can still see all these contoversial cartoons right here at RubberSuit Studios.

You might be a red neck . .
If you find yourself on the other end of burning down black churches . . . maybe that too kind, You might be a asshole . . .

Talk about soaking a buck out of your product.
Another new IPOD.

So have they found the Yeti yet?
This should be overrun by loggers any day now. Check out the slide show.

Hey you nutty Muslims.
You think this guys bad, check me out.

I am Malach the rap professor
And fight with them until there is no persecution, and religion should be only for Allah, but if they desist, then there should be no hostility except against the oppressors.

Let see that just raised the Fatwa requiring Malach's execution to $15.78.

Google's at it again.
So how much you think they eventually gonna charge for this?

Malach's quote of the Day.
“If there is no struggle, there is no progress.” - Frederick Douglass

I am Malach and I want to enter that contest!


Andy T. Nguyen said...

Whoa, now I really hate Apple.

How about pears?

Christopher said...