Mohammed is rolling over in his grave.


Yeah you heard me right.
Why is he rolling over in his grave? Check out these news stories. Here. Another. And Another. The last is most interesting in how modern technology made this explode.

Mohammed himself was a man who practiced and taught peace. He would have laughed at these cartoons. One of the problems with Islam, and the Middle East, has become this ultra fundamentalism that worriess more about the dogma, than the actual teachings. This is the same problem Christainity had in the Middle Ages, and something I tried to point out in my most recent political cartoon. This has brought about suicide bombings, misuse of Jihad, and hatred for Israel. I really fear this will start some type of war, some excuse to attack Israel, and Israel is the only one in the region with nuclear bombs.

I have had a number of very interesting debates about this, most notable here. What surprises me most is how many young people think that we should limit what we are allowed to say as to not insult anyone. Where did these kids learn this bullshit? If no one spoke up we would still be a vassal of the English Empire. The beauty of Freedom of Speech is that any idiot can say what ever comes to mind, no matter the message, and thought and debate can ensue from it. I absolutely support the right of say Iran, to say the Holocaust was a myth, but in turn the rest of the world has the right to tell them they are wrong.

These cartoons, are not even really that good, the two best are the bomb turban and the virgins at the gate of Heaven, but over all, they don't really make a statement. What would Mohammed say about some of the modern Muslim sects? Same thing Jesus would say about some of the modern Christain sects. You missed the message . . . and are bitching about some pictures for fear of idolatry. Perhaps, you should consider the Idolatry you are currently doing, worshiping the rules of being a good Muslim instead of Allah.

Don't forget.
The New Podcast is up. It a long one so download it when got time. Some highlights. A few phone calls from Space Farmer, and interview with Mr. George Lucas, and Murk/Malach duet of a Bon Jovi song, and some sidetracked discussion about Black Culture. Good Times.

A favor for Malach.
Starting tomorrow, we will have a new sponsor. At the top of the Stool Sample Webcomics page, a new banner will appear. Click it a couple time over the next month. They are paying a flat rate, but we want to encourage resubscribing, and new advertisers. Thanks.

Another new feature.
There is a search box to your right, sponsored by Technocrati. I also added some new avatars in the schwag page . . . check out the new Fat Bug ones.

Your are Listening too .. .
More Clutch, 12 Once Epilogue. Good song for the mood of the world.

Oh Barry . .
You came and you took over number one,
like it was '78,
Oh Barry!

Your in Jail!

Sneaky Google ..
Big Brother are you home?

I really want to visit Egypt.
But I am too scared too, so this will have to do.

Stay away from pussy.
She's a NARC.

Ok, what really happened. Tell Uncle Malach.

Oh Yeah, Ken.
Your gonna win her back looking all Metrosexual.

Malach's Quote of the Day.
I had reasoned this out in my mind, there was one of two things I had a right to, liberty or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other. - Harriet Tubman

I am Malach, and I can't stand potatos au gratin.


Andy T. Nguyen said...

Ken's been........."experimenting"

Or he's been hanging out with Bratz

Anonymous said...

Ken's legs look too short!!!

Potatos Au Gratin....mmmmmmmm! Yummy!

Yuck, barf