Congrats Pittsburgh


Now the new question.
Can Pitt do it going through New England? I hate the Steelers, but I am glad for Jerome Bettis (did you know he's from Detroit? *sarcasm*). And John Madden, man . . . "Pittsburgh's gotta come out and score to take momentum at the beginning of this half, and Seattle they want to play defense to stop them". NO SHIT. Someone get rid of this guy.

Well he's dead.
That probably what he wanted in the first place.

Your are listening too . .
Too lazy to change the song, will do it tomorrow.

Malach's Quote of the Day.
Every town has the same two malls: the one white people go to and the one white people used to go to. - Chris Rock

I am Malach, and I am a Patriots fan.


Andy T. Nguyen said...

Shall it be another BNL song?

Depends on my mood.