
The latest from Ben Byrd, a dystopian, futuristic short story called Severed. Murk and I also recorded the lastest podcast tonight, Murk hopes to have it up by the week end.

Did you see Battlestar Galactica last night.
Holy Frak! What a season ending episode. Of course, like Malach predicted, Starbuck is back, now whether she is a cylon, a ghost, or something in between we will see. Man, they are adding the paranoia, and confusion . . . AND NO FRAKIN' NEW EPISODES UNTIL '08! At least Sci Fi wants 22 episodes as opposed to 13 like the past two seasons. Hopefully they will be smart and replay the first two seasons during the break. In addition there is something on the site about a 2 hours special in 2007 4th quater.

Some more Beatlemania?
Well, we started on Revolver yesterday, but what were some of the major events around it's release (Aug 1966). Well, beyond the Beatles are "bigger that Jesus controversy"; because of threats toward Lennon, a firecracker thrown at him that they thought was gunfire, and the incidents in Manilla, they all together stopped touring, which in a way, created a greater band, as they spent more time in the studios, and had more time off. Interesting quote from Harrison about ending touring: "We'd done about 1,400 live shows and I certainly felt this was it," said George Harrison commenting on their last American concert at Candlestick Park. "It was nice to be popular, but when you saw the size of it, it was ridiculous, and it felt dangerous because everybody was out of hand. Even the cops were out of line....It was a very strange feeling. For a year or so I'd been saying, "Let's not do this anymore.' And then it played itself out, so that by 1966 everybody was feeling, 'We've got to stop this.' I don't know exactly where in 1966, but obviously after the Philippines we thought, 'Hey, we've got to pack this in.'"

In September, George Harrison made his way to India to study sitar under Ravi Shankar, which would later develop into some interest for all the Beatles in Eastern thought. Another very significant event, John Lennon meets Yoko Ono in September of that year (more on Yoko later). Lennon also made his most significant explanation of the bigger than Jesus controversy at the end of the year: "I believe Jesus was right, Buddha was right, and all of those people like that are right. They're all saying the same thing - and I believe it. I believe what Jesus actually said - the basic things he laid down about love and goodness - and not what people say he said....If Jesus being more popular means...more control, I don't want that. I'd sooner they'd all follow us even if it's just to dance and sing for the rest of their lives. If they took more interest in what Jesus - or any of them - said, if they did that, we'd all be there with them." Interestingly, Malach's thoughts on religion exactly.

Pat Tillman.
I have a real problem with this. For those of you that don't know, Tillman quit the NFL in his prime, forsaking millions of dollars to go fight in Afghanistan. He was killed in combat, and rightly or wrongly so made a great American hero, and propoganda tool. Here are the issues. He was killed by friendly fire. The Army did not reveal that until 5 months later. Here's where they got stuck. You see, friendly fire deaths are not all that uncommon in war. They had built Tillman into GI Joe. GI Joe can't be killed by his own troops. So, they were stuck with somehow tarnishing Tillman's image, or covering it up. You see your average GI is not famous. So, when they are killed in friendly fire, it is just kid of hush hush. These officers were just doing what they typically did. It is military culture, not a coverup.

Anna Nicole.
Accidental overdose . . . of TRIMSPA!

Climate Change.
So, will Southeastern MA, turn into say, the Carribean? I can handle that.

This is what happens . .
When Wikinazis fight. Oh and by the way, Malach is still blocked by those bastards.

So, how long before . .
Ron Jaworski kills Kornheiser?

Uhh . . a contest? Yeah a contest!
Yeah there some type of snide remark here, it just escapes me at the moment, leave a suggestion in the comments below.

The Forever Stamp.
On sale beginning April 12th.

Malach's Quote of the Day
God became a man, granted. The devil became a woman. - Victor Hugo.

I am Malach, and soon Murk and Malach will be doing Monday Night Football.


Anyone else find the name Kornheiser entertaining?

FreeOscar said...

I wish Kornheiser would come back to his radio show.

AngryMan said...

I can't wait till the two of you are doing MNF. But let me just say that Mr. Tony is not the right guy for that kind of thing.
And on Pat Tillman, have you noticed that the media is making him out to be the best NFL player ever? He was an average safety at best. But, beside that, I really admire and respect the hell out of him for what he did. I hope that they let him keep the medal.

Murk and Malach for MNF '07!