1 - 2 - 3, I got the G - O - D in me!


A little bit of a less random subject today buckos: Christian Churches. If you follow this blog, I have had extensive dissertations on the city of New Bedford, MA. New Bedford being your typical, lower class, crime ridden city, has an over poliferation of Christian Churches. Businesses close and 60% of the time a new church opens in the storefront (they are Christian 99.9% of the time). The latest is the Church of the Scarlet Cord, which I had never heard of until yesterday, and I consider myself to be very knowledgable on the subject of religions (it is one of my hobbies).

So, yesterday, we went over the sister-in-laws apartment. Now she lives in New Bedford, and lives just off THE AVENUE (this will make another nice blog). She lives in an OK area, but not really that great. So they were having music in the park (Brooklawn Park). Fine, we go over and walk to the park(which is a fairly ghetto park). There is some type of Christian Music Festival going on, all of 30 people in the audience.

Well, I find Christian Music, expecially the music that is disguised as modern rock, hip hop, very funny. Why? I have yet to hear a Christian artist, that is any good. My opinion, if these artist were not singing about Jesus, they would be nowhere. That South Park episode hit it right on the head. New Bedford is also very urban, latino, and afro-centric community (which make some very good under ground hip hop). Check out the Busted Fros if you can find their stuff. So for this revival, it was mostly R&B and Rap. Well it was pretty atrocious.

I also find it interesting that Christian Churches use that old rehab stand by. Many members of the churches are either former gang bangers, prisoners, or drug addicts. In rehab (or prison), you replace and addiction, or bad actions, with something less harmful, and that is usually religion (I am not sure that is nessecarily less harmful).

Then I met Jesus! He made me smile again! He made me laugh again!
So, I have not recieved a good attack from a Christian regardging JesusMan! in a while, but yesturday, I recieved a little e-mail asking if "I had found Jesus". Of course being the bastard that I am I replied "OF COURSE, he's right here!" HEHEHEHE. So then I recieved a number of nasty messages about being a blasphemer and a mocker (which I don't think is a real word), and that I would be going to Hell. So of course I sent the message back, "Did your Jesus tell you to verbally abuse me like that, and judge me? Last I remember, that was not encouraged in your Bible." Didn't hear back for a while, but this morning there was a message asking "How I made those comics." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Welcome back to New Bedford, Malach and Kin!
So we are leaving the sister-in-laws abode, when, one of the things I miss the least about New Bedford occurs. Guy pulls out to his beeyatches house. Instead of ringing the door bell, or calling the apartment it is, at the top of his lung "YO, GET THE F*CK OUT HERE" . . . nice.

I can't believe comeone can get away with this.
New Bedford has a big gang and drug problem. It also has issues with fear and intimidation for witness. There have been a number of shootings where the 50 or so witness, would not say a thing to investigators. People will even recant testimony, or refuse to get on the witness stand and go to jail instead. Latest popular shirt? Black shirt, all it says is "Don't Snitch"

Memere the Bat.
We have a bat or two in our yard, which rules, becuase we got too many bugs. Malach's youngest son loves the bat, and has named the bat Memere.

Hot time Summer in the City . . .
And I still don't miss this

The Slots Answer Man.
Is really starting to come along. There are now two articles loaded up there. Enjoy. I also added a RSS Feed, and a plain text feed for the gaming Buckos.

Straight Outta Compton!
Does this really surprise anyone?

Shameless Self Promotion.

I am Malach, number Christian Pop Star in all the Universe!


Not shot by him, shot at a party he was hosting.

Andy T. Nguyen said...

You son, his love of a bat will drive him to become a masked hero...with a mask and horse, also a sidekick with pixie boots.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!