Super Ned, Boone's Family Wine, and strange e-mails


Drunken Comic Reviews.
Thanks to the Weekly Webcomic Review, Malach has found a funny new webcomic blog, Drunken Comic Reviews. Malach enjoyed Drunken, and left a few comments, and then was asked to join the mayhem . . . . hmm, so Malach quickly got drunk, and posted his first article there, which of course was a drunken review. We, I should write like that more often, as I think I discovered the meaning of life, and such in that innebriated post. Leave a comment or two, maybe they'll invite your to our exclusive secret society. Cat Garza Jr. is even a contributing member, and Malach has a secret man crush on him.

Super Ned, 2.7 is up, Palmer answering the call to yesterday's blog. Can Palmer please the Floozies or what.

Strange E-mails.
So I get this e-mail from someone yesterday who follows my blog. Evidently here and her husband are moving to New Beige. So the e-mail asked me for a local perspective on the city. . . BEHOLD THE POWERS OF MALACH!

The Right Wing Conspiracy Continues!

Kid Rock blasts Scott Stapp on Sex Tape!
WOW, Scott Stapp is a bit of a perv no? Gotta watch out for those Christian Rock Stars, so says

In 20 years . .
We'll all be making our own gas!

MYSPACE, a tool of SATAN!
See I can do this nutty Christian stuff too.

Malach's Quote of the Day.
Until the philosophy which hold one race superior and another inferior is finally discredited and abandoned...WAR! So that is prophecy, and everyone know that is truth. And it came out of the mouth of Rastafari. - Bob Marley

I am Malach, and I got your MySpace right here.


Andy T. Nguyen said...

Freaking floozies....bloodthirsty they are!

Blood suckers too.

Choas_Dragoon said...

Malach, I have my own blogger blog now! I pkugged your site afew times. It's called The Choatic Word. And guess what today's word is?