Love for Sale!


New Stuff in the RubberSuit Studios Store!
Yes that is right, I have ORIGINAL Stool Sample Webcomics art work for sale, check it out. You too can have an original piece of crap from Malach. So far seems popular.

Also, I will finally have Stool Sample Webcomics Volume I up hopefully this weekend in which to purchase.

Hey support the economy.

The US Prison System.
I don't feel like ranting tonight, but check out this story. Here is the problem with the US prison system, it is not about rehabilitating offenders. They release 'em, without teaching them how to be successful on the outside, and they end up right back in there.

The Pope is at it again.
He has updated his blog with some poetry . . .

And so is the Angry Piper . .
Am I gay, of course aren't we all?

I really don't know why everyone is so shocked by this.
Listen, if the Constitution was half as funny, we'd all know it by heart.

Hiss, hiss, Mwerarl!

So it seems Barry Bonds is off the 'roids.
But now is on Estrogen.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
HEY, IT'S JUST MANNY BEIN' MANNY! I like the new Ricky Williams-esque look.

Take it easy my friend.
You got some more feathers to ruffle.

So what do you think Bill Bellichick would say?
About this? Well at least we know Vince Young won't understand the question.

Nice job . . . Little do they know how many times Malach has licked Van Gogh Paintings at the RISD Museum.

Malach, at a loss for words?
Yes . . . I am sorry me Buckos.

Malach's Quote of the Day.
Spongebob Square Pants: "Patrick, you genius is showing"
Patrick: "Where" (quickly covers groin)

I am Malach and my genius is ALWAYS SHOWING.