
What? Plugs?
After a few days with none, we have two today. First and foremost, Elias Dolon's awesome novel, The Stone, has been updated, and Chapter Three added. Unfortunatley Elias is now putting it on hiatus, as he looks for a publisher for the book. If your interested in publishing it, contact Elias directly. It's really too bad, The Stone is one of my favorite things on this site. Good Luck Elias.

Also, Lucas is back to publishing and strip 497 of 8 1/2 by Eleven is now up.

Dr. Murk.
It is the Murkster Birthday today, go over to his blog and wish him a good one. Also he assured me the podcast would be out this week. So eh, Happy Birfday. I hope you loved you card.

Malach has said it a million times.
He misses the Cold War too.

Man, I hate large water rodents too.
If you going to be accidently shot is the head, a .22 is the way to go. So you think the guy that was shot was really hairy?


Look at the white in that goatee . . . at least you can't see my bald head! Yeah, shaved that puppy right off two days ago. Speaking of Male Pattern Baldness, where the hell is my gene therapy and stem cell research? I want to grow my hair LONG again.

Yeah, the hot mama is the wife . . Oh and yeah, no drinking was involved in this picture. Sad huh?

So when the world ends?
Y'all know where to go. First one there is emperor.

We need more uses for feces.
Furniture, cool, floors, nice, keep it coming.

Malach's Quote of the Day.

I am Malach, Happy Birthday, Dr. Murky.


Anonymous said...

I am end of 20's, on a turn of my life, I have a social life, but since I have a husband my life has became a depressing life. My husband spend every hour on his pc connected to the net, instead of passing his time with me. The only conversation with him is about this stupid[/color] [url=http://www.mantura.info/sitemap.html]adsense site[/url] [color=#9ad]. My personal interests are totally different and for this we are staying in different plants. Nevermind I go without.
Bye Bye

Doofus, learn HTML.

Toyi said...

ditto...to Malach's option

My option?

Toyi said...

"learn HTML".

oh lol, Malach's comand (sorry)

Happy Birthday Dr. Murk!

But Malach, the goatee has got to go...

Goatee is gone, son said day after it, he thought I was Uncle Murk.