GASP! My three year old has bulemia!


But first, the plugs.
Stool Sample's Reading Room is proud to annouce the addition of the fiction of C.J. Owen. His first short story of many too come is up, the Fantasy Drama, The Burden.

In addition, Dr. Murk returns with a scathing attack at the WoW. Evidently he did not like all that much, Malach's and fans badgering of loading the XMas podcast. In addition, I guess there was a loading error with the Real Media version of the podcast, and Murk supposedly fixed that.

Swimming in vomit.
So the three year old was up at 3:30AM vomiting, sees she got that killer 24 vomiting bug that goes around, and after vomiting in her bed, then my bed, she got hang of driving the porcelin bus. So she basically vomitted most of the day, only once getting a little on the couch. You she see her hug porcelin god, she would do most college students proud.

Oh, great, now there goes the cat . . . well thank goodness that was on the kitchen floor and not the living room rug.

Al Gore.
If the man runs, he's got my vote. Period. Should of won in 2000.

So, your living on the Internation Space Station.
A Cosmonaut Nikita get a Dear John e-mail and goes nuts, what do you do? Well it seems NASA has already thought of that. Duct Tape, one of mans greatest invention. Right up there with Baby Wipes and the Swiffer Wet Jet.

Only in NY?
Next I am in NYC, I am dancing in the streets. It will be filmed and posted to YouTube as Malach is arrested.

So tell me this . .
Who long before these new airport x-rays appear on some porn site?

Bronx Beaver!
Check it out right here . . ..

Made you look.

So yeah, Britney.
She's nuts. Just look into here eyes. The pics are fun and yes there's video!

Oh, Britney, I don't even think the Angry Piper can tame you. Mother of the Year! And isn't she supposed to be in rehab anyway?

Malach's Quote of the Day
By means of beauty all beautiful things become beautiful. For this appears to me the safest answer to give both to myself and others; and adhering to this, I think that I shall never fall, but that it is a safe answer both for me and any one else to give — that by means of beauty beautiful things become beautiful. - Σωκράτης

I am Malach and today's quote is dedicated to Mr. Polanski, he will appreciate this one.

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Joey Polanski said...

Three things:

Firs: Ive long been impressd wit NASAs ingenuity.

Seckon: That Quote o th Day was BRILLYANT. Ive long been a admirer of ol Ewkpatns.

Third: I hope yer 3-yr-old gets bettr. Ive long blievd that sickness & vomitin shoud be reservd fer only thems thats old enuff t be jerks.

AngryMan said...

You should teach the 3 year old to projectile vomit on peope you don't like. It'd be a great weapon.

NASA ingenuity? They invented the moon landing.
The three year old is better today.