I am not here to gloat


No Plugs Today Buckos.

Well, isn't this fitting . .
So the Patriots once again beat a team they have no business beating, and get to go into Indy, to once again try and knock Peyton Manning out of the playoffs, and we all get to see the "Peyton Manning Face". So, either Peyton finally gets the Belichick curse off his back, or he once again becomes the modern version of Dan Marino.

While I am on the NFL, Malach has been harping on Micheal Vick and the next Kordell Stewart. Well, it seems that is coming true, Vick might not even be the #1 QB in Atlanta next year, imagine that.

Some news about Alzheimer Disease.
This is one disease I would love to see eradicated in my lifetime.

Wee! Well I supposed this is one way to reduce the increased population.

Malach's Quote of the Day.

I am Malach and Lobster sounds good right now.


Toyi said...

Oh man, I understand better why in some torture methods they used water to kill the enemy, brrrrr scare... water still kills in a friendly way.

hey here our continuos talk about extreme hanging
Saddam's Half brother decapitated.

Joey Polanski said...

I think I fergot what Alzheimrs Dsease is.

Come t think of it, I think I fergot who you is too.

Yeah looking for the vid, noone has it . . . yet.