2006: Many dead famous people. 2007 one dead NFL player


Welcome to 2007
Or as the Mayan's would day, 5 years until the end. As usual, we will start with the first plugs of the New Year.

If you have not seen Saddam's Hanging, the video is over at the WoW. Yes, is is graphic, yes it is also low quality, probably shot in secret with some type of camera phone. Yes, there is some debate about whether or not that was really Saddam. Judge for yourself. I am still shocked there has been no official release of the execution, especially since Arab TV loves that stuff.

8 1/2 by Eleven has also updated with their first new comic of the year.

Also Malach has loaded up the latest Chicken Moon Video on his YouTube Account. This one is good, and entitled The Dudes. Look for Malach and Murk to put some vids together this year, maybe even some Crap Vacuum videos. Murk also told me that he is about 75% finished editing the next podcast.

Look for upcoming Resoultions.

You are Listening too . . .
Bad Day, Samiam. Again you can hear the influence on modern Emo, just nowhere near as whiny.

RIP Darrent Williams.
We had a lot of famous deaths in 2006, and 2007 starts off will a bang.

It is very interesting to hear all the mixed feelings about his death. A lot of people don't understand the sorrow. But there was sorrow and anger at Hitler's death. These people build up such a huge cult of personality, and their control leaves a void when they are gone.

Man cops and their Tasers.
First the UCLA student, and then this?

Ban Ki-moon
Our New UN Secretary General. Isn't that just a great name . .. must of been one of Frank Zappa's kids.

Malach's Quote of the Day.

I am Malach and I love you to death.


Toyi said...

Soooooo they mean they have an 18 years old girl handling a phyton? aren't this people supposed to be Pros??? well an accident is an accident but how they dare to expose the young ones like that.

There is some sex joke in that statment, but I am much too mature to go there.

Joey Polanski said...

Youll need to crreckt th reckerd ...

... cause Im pretty sure that Mr Ki-moon died almos thirty years ago.

Toyi said...

well Malach I am speaking of the news, your dirty mind has its own landscapes lol

now I understand when people die from your mind bullets, they are actually dying because of "Tetanus".

Toyi said...

oh and the Tetanus kicks right in... and away