Ana Ng?


Plugs me friends.
Some fiction uploaded today. First, Twisted Darkness submitted a very cool short story, that has a interesting Twillight Zone feel to it. So, From the Mind of Twisted Darkness presents: SAMSON. Trust me on this one, very cool. For those writers out there, Piper, Murk, you will be impressed.

Also, Tainted Love Erotic Stories (TLES) also updated with a new one called Hush. Also very cool, this one is a bit more subtle than The Many of First to Cumm . . and if you are into bondage, there is some of that in there. As always, TLES is 18+.

Also 8 1/2 by Eleven updated, and Nillian gets all cowboy in this one. I left Lucas a message that the only thing this one is missing is a huge Deadwood style handlebar moustache.

You are listening too . . .
Sticking with the Songs for the Dumped theme, and adding a bit of Unrequited Love, we have Ana Ng, by They Might Be Giants. Now just to show how old Malach is, this song was first released and popular when Malach was a sophmore in high school. This song has two of the greatest lines in pissed off at women songs ever.

"Her voice is a backward record"
"I don't want the world, I just want your half"

Yeah, how many of us have been in relationships where those two phrases perfectly descibe your partner? I also did a painting based upon this song. Tell you more about that tomorrow. I think I am going to continue this them until Valentines Day.

Last night is Bangkok.
Bangkok, isn't that the silly name for a city? I know I would feel uncomfortable flying into Bangkok. Joey Polanski leave your painful pun below.

Ok, NASCAR joke.
So, you think this guys name is Tony Stewart? Thus end the NASCAR portion of DMDSS.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Holy Crap! Oh and welcoms to Boston again, JD Drew. So picture this:

Julio Lugo, Ortiz, Manny, Helton, Drew in the heart of your lineup!

Malach's Quote of the Day.
The valuable lesson is that you can get what you want and still not be very happy... - Cerebus the Aardvark

I am Malach and I come to you, with open arms.


Toyi said...

The valuable lesson is that you can get what you want and still not be very happy...

^wow I figured that out long ago, can I also get credit for it?

Cerebus said that in 1979