Yellow matter custard, dripping from a dead dog's eye


No Plugs today.
You will get some tomorrow though!

Why anyone in the world would continue watching that crappy show 24, and not watch Heroes is beyond me. Idiots, watch it. And Sylar is one of my new favorite villians.

The Murk and Malach Show
Murk apologizes, he has gotten really busy this past month and not been able to update our podcast. Especially since our archive of past podcast in going crazy right now with people listening to it, our feed also has close to 80 subscribers. He is going to try to finish it up this week.

Another reason not to live in Kansas.
Tornados. Seriously, have you seen pictures or video of this destruction? It is absolutely amazing only 10 people were killed.

Now imagine.
You are the marketing department for a new energy drink, and you need to come up with a name. So the brain trust decides "Cocaine" would be a great name . . .

King Herod.
Perhaps the most famous person in the New Testament beyond Christ, St. Peter, Judas, and Mary. After all these years, they find his burial tomb. It will be very interesting to see what they pull out of it.

So you got this earache.
And you head to the Doctor's only to find 2 spiders, the size of pencil erasers in you ear. I got to give the kid credit he is taking it well. Although he did state he was kind of dissapointed the spiders did not turn him into Spiderman, cause if they did, he could make fortune.

Americans Love the Queen.
Epecially those of use like Malach who wonder how long she's got left to live, I really want to see Prince Charles as King. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!

Bye Bye Photobucket.
What's next for MySpace?

Phil Spector.
Demonic? NO WAY!

Malach's Quote/Video of the Day
What I'm saying is, if God wanted to send us a message, and ancient writings were the only way he could think of doing it, he could have done a better job. - Carl Sagan.

I am Malach and I let my knickers down


Toyi said...

King Heord, is this the one who had the sudden death and was eaten by maggots in like 10 seconds before everybody's eyes? I hope they find some remains tough lol

FreeOscar said...

Just wait that kid may turn into Spiderkid. He's just keeping it quiet so he can go & kill everyone who watches lame Heroes.

Heroes and Battlestar, two best shows on TV. Herod? Well, everyone will eventually be eaten by maggots and such.

Toyi said...

yes but not in 10 seconds, man that must been very interesting to watch.

Toyi said...

just picture 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10... clean bone.

Not impressive, Malach has done that in three seconds

Toyi said...

nah, is not a turkey leg budy, is an entire human body...