Seriously, all you need is love


Check out the funny ass video the Angry Piper posted at the WoW. Also, no plugs today for RubberSuit Studios, sorry, I promised some, but I am busy with client work.

Also if you live in the New Bedford area, check out The Furniture Place for furniture. Not your typical low brow New Beige furniture discounter. Some mid range to high quality pieces at very good prices. Right next to Flagship Cinema on King's Highway.

You are listening too . .
One of the most beautiful musical anthems ever made, All You Need is Love. Among the most significant, beloved, and famous songs by the group, it was original played for a 2 hours live television special called Our World. It was specifically written by Lennon, with some McCartney contribution for the special, which aired in over 400 million homes in 1967. It was republished as the closing track on Magical Mystery Tour.

Lennon was asked to come up with simple song, that all nationalities of the world could understand. Lennon worked off a song from Rubber Soul, The Word, which has a similar theme. Many were immediatley amazed by the song, the fact it would not be misunderstood in any culture or language. Lennon also considered it a propoganda song, like many of his later solo works.

Ironically it was the last song recorded and released before Brian Epstein death, and perhaps the high point of the interpersonal relationships between The Beatles.

Because of the international feel of the song, it was given a worldly flavor. Hence the opening of the song with La Marseillaise and several other snippets of song during the long fadeout (2-part Invention #8 in F by Johann Sebastian Bach (transposed to G and played on 2 piccolo trumpets), Greensleeves (played by the strings), Glenn Miller's In The Mood (played on a saxophone), one of the Beatles' seminal hits (particularly in Great Britain), She Loves You (spontaneously ad-libbed by John and Paul), and Jeremiah Clarke's Prince of Denmark's March lilting off at the end).

The songs structure is acutually a bit complex. The background repeatedly sing's "love, love, love" while Lennon's verse are in 7 /4 time, and the chorus in 4/4. It is one of only two songs to every reach the top 20 US in 7/4 time (if you can guess the other one correctly you get a prize). The only difference between the album and live recording is that Lennon rerecorded some of the vocals he was unhappy with.

The song message endures today. All you need is love.

That ends our look back at Magical Mystery Tour. The White Album is next, but because it took so long to record, The Beatles had a number of their most famous hits in between, we will explore those next.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Still on a roll. Did I tell you how much I love this team. Mood: Love, and in love with the new Josh Beckett.

The Pillow Angel.
Again, I find what this child parents did, pretty disgusting, and I am glad a advocacy group says so.

Hey here's some shocking news.
The majority disagrees with Dubya about his veto of the Iraqi funding bill. How much longer we got with this idiot?

Moldy Cheddar.

Hey Jeffri Chadiha, of
You sir, are a moron, for this article. The Patriots were not about to give in to Deion Branch. Do your research. The Pats were more than willing to sing Branch. Problem was, Branch was already signed to play 2006 with the Pats. He decided he did not want to wait until 2007, when his contract was up, and then go for the money, he wanted it, when he was signed already.

The Pats have never, nor will they ever deal with a players contract when they are already signed. Branch was going to sit out his last year, so the Pats, being the smart team they are, traded a mid range reciever for a 1st round draft pick. They only payed a 4th rounder for Moss. You are stupid, and since you don't list contact info at ESPN, you can follow backlinks here, at least my contact info is right on the page.

How much whiskey was need to accomplish this? Or, how much whiskey to tear it all apart?


Malach's Quote/Video of the Day

I am Malach and I have moon madness


Toyi said...

let me think, is not hard to make a song about love, that is a subject most cultures and ways of thinking will take to their own discresion and their own meanings.

I feel so sorry for pillow Angel this is certainly a very controversial subject cause is hard to determine what is the best for Ashley, well acording to state law is not permited, but if was permited for some reason... I D Think her parents will do it to harm her in any way, I will say they are the most indicated to really know what is going on with Ashley through their experience taking care of her. IDK as for menstruation... I D know if a pamper will take care of the problem but Aslhley will not be completely safe from a sick person that may try to take advantage of her.. I don't know.

O J, he has gotten himself into that atmosfere of not caring about anything and on top of that using his negative popularity to make business... I am glad that there is still someone to stand before him and let him know or acknowledge that he is just a jerk.

Love songs? I would disagree with that. Yes there are thousands of wonderful love songs, but how many are there like this one? A song that talks about unrequited universal brotherly love with out any promotion of religion, ethnic or racial ideal? I can't think of many.

There's nothing you can do that can't be done.
Nothing you can sing that can't be sung.
Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game.
It's easy.

Nothing you can make that can't be made.
No one you can save that can't be saved.
Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you in time.
It's easy.

Nothing you can know that isn't known.
Nothing you can see that isn't shown.
Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be.
It's easy.

Extremely simple, yet very complicated lyrics. It doesn't even have Lennon's opinion in the song, which similar songs he has done do (ie Imagine).

As for Ashley, doing this to your young child is a cop out, and giving up. With the recent advances involving stem cells, and genetic engineering how do you know that there won't be a fix for her condition in her lifetime.

Toyi said...

Well Malach, in your head and mine, we can picture this

"There's nothing you can do that can't be done"
"Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you in time"

as a positive plug, but what this do in the mind of a thieve for example or a loser do you think this will change anything?

Is easy to sing a song like this to dream and feel a bit spiritual for the rest of the song, but is complitely unrealistic, do you hear me is just a dream.
I agree with the religion part, but is always good to go check the reasons because those are very very personal... as you said, not even Lennons opinion was in the song so why should be a deep song? Is a song to take it the way you want.
What love means for me? what love means for a stripper? are we talking about the same subject? or 2 complite different things. That is how I see this song, is good for many audiences.
Was Hippie movement a great thing? well you call it... did ended vietman war? you say it.
For me was just an excuse to do whatever heck people wanted and a great chance to STD & AIDS spreading. You see we may have complitely different opinions and reasons about certain subjects and same opinions about another subjects.

as for Angel Pillow, I guess if the hospital did it was certainly because there was no positive choices in the incoming years, yet I believe technology is walking way ahead of what people think, just figure where we were 100 years ago (still riding horses and using candles...and where we are now.... is amazing it's only been 100 years.

Yes, the song basically expands on love your neighbor, which has been taught by every major religion and philisophical thought since the begining of man