As Promised


There is a new 8 1/2 By Eleven, this one is a sappy one and is 523.

You are listening too . . . .
While My Guitar Gently Weeps, by the Beatles from the album The Beatles (aka The White Album. This song was fully penned by George Harrison, as a solo song, but was included on The White Album. This song is also one of the only Beatles song to feature a famous guest musician in Eric Clapton who played the solo and lead guitar on the recording. Pretty much a straight out 70's style guitar rock song, Harrison got the inspiration for the song, from of all places reading I Ching. Based on the Eastern idea and philosophy of relativism, Harrison commited to writing a song on the first few words he read by randomly opening a book. Those worlds were "gently weep".

Surprising, even though at the time, this was one of Harrison best songs, The Beatles were uninterested in recording it (One of the many parts of friction developing between the band). Undaunted, Harrison invited Clapton to come play during recording sessions. Clapton was a bit unsure as The Beatles never let anyone record with them, but he came and it served a two fold purpose. A moments relief of the inner turmoil among the band, and Harrison being freed up to concentrate of rythmn guitar and his vocals.

They decided to give Harrison's song a go and were mightly impressed with the sessions and recording. Clapton himself, was in on the mixing and suggested they "wobble up" his guitar a bit to give it a "more Beatley feel".

The song has an almost frenetic, frantic feel to it, with McCartney's piano, and the harmonizing adds to the feel. Even the ghostly off time harmonizing. Harrison had come a real long way from his early Beatles tunes, and it would even get better.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Another rain out, tons of rain today, another double header tomorrow. And as promised, the worlds greatest color man, Jerry Remy.

Remy absolute rocks, and we are lucky to have him. There are time when him and his partner Don Orsillo go on these multi-inning nutty tangents, make fun of everything under the sun, and get the multi-inning giggle fits.

Also Remy sometime has a tendency to disappear, and leave Orsillo hanging for a inning or two, and then come back seemingly high or innebriated. RemDawg rocks.

And the Yanks lost again today increasing the Sox lead to 10 games.

This will surely improve the Angry Piper's life!

Malach's Quote/Video of the Day
This morning, prompted by increasing concerns about terrorism, oil prices reached a record high as the cost of a barrel of crude is a whopping $44.34. Wow, it seems shocking that a product of finite supply gets more expensive the more we use it.... Now the terror alert means higher oil prices, which oddly enough means higher profits for oil companies giving them more money to give to politicians whose policies may favor the oil companies such as raising the terror alert level. As Simba once told us — it's the circle of life - John Stewart

I am Malach to the East blackwards . .. . SISSIES!


AngryMan said...

The circle of life, eh? Are you going to break out in song, Lion King?

I am no Elton John