That shiites bananas


PC's fixed, some plugs first.
Well, Tainted Love Erotic Stories has updated. The new one is called Your The One For Me, Fatty. As always, TLES is rated mature and 18+

A bunch of crazy WoW posts. The first is a "My Sweet Lord" battle. Angry Veteran graced us with his presence and the Chocolate Jesus. Malach countered with Screw Easter, and your Chocolate Jesus and the real "My Sweet Lord". And then one of the creators of TLES posted a sex survey as she wants to make and erotic story based upon the answers, Malach already sent his in. And finally, Malach found a video that blows the whole scientific community and the theory of evolution out of the water. The WoW is coming back to life, and web traffic is going a bit crazy there. I am going to revamp the lineup and many of the members don't post. If you are interested in joining, email me.

Malach's Birthday, and my PC.
Luckily the issue with the PC was best case scenario, and just the motherboard fan. All fixed. Thanks for all the birthday wishes and the 3 paypal birthday presents consisting of 35 cents. If you would like to add to that, the button is to your right in the sidebar.

You are listening too . . .
She Said She Said, by the Beatles off of Revolver. Very interesting song. One of two songs off this album that have huge influene with 80's and 90's alernative rock. The guitar work, beat, and lyrics are very similar to stuff in the vein of Buffalo Tom, Dinosaur Jr., early REM, and such. If you want to compare, go over to my MySpace and compare this song to the Archers of Loaf song that is circa 1996 up there now.

This song is a drug song, about one of Lennon's first LSD trips, and admittedly so, unlike many of the songs rumored to be about drugs in this era, that the Beatles denied. Supposedly the song is about a trip Lennon experienced with Peter Fonda, in which during the trip Fonda re-experienced a incident when he was a kid in which he almost died after accidently shooting himself. A early demo of the song, has Lennon singing "He Said". The last song recorded on Revolver, is was recorded very quickly as almost a filler, during the recording, McCartney walked out, hence no backing vocals from him, and no one can seem to remember if it was him or Harrison who did the Fuzz Bass on this song.

The song is a basically three cords, hence the reminder of 80's and 90's alternative. Also interesting in the change of tempo in the middle of the song, something the Beatles began experimenting more with in recent years. In addition this was the first song they split the lead instead of duo tracking it creating the echo, and slight lengthening of the notes.

In additon many drum experts cite this song and one of Ringo's greatest pieces of drumming. He was essentially give free reign to add drum, and not follow along the main beat of the vocals (which was what he mostly did).

Hey, the Evangelicals rail against the "homosexuality of the Disney Company".
And look, they are throwing it your face. Don't believe, check out my favorite nutty Christian over at Yeah, it took me awhile to find it . . . homeboy needs a search function. Here it is.

Um, you guys do realise your country is named Turkey? Hey parts of my site is banned in China.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Wake always has problems in Texas, but they could of scored more than zero runs. Mood: Average.

Oh Dick Cheney.
Has a year in Dr. Murk's cellar really made you that delusional?

Hey Dude.
Uhh, My Sweet Lord, really doesn't want to see you doing this. Self Mutilation in not in the Gospels, and Idolatory is a sin, no?

How things change.
You know life has changed when Ice Cube has gone from this to this.

Straight out of Alaska
Crazy Sixty Pound Rockfish.

Malach's Quote of the Day.
"I told you so, you damned fools." - Epitaph on the gravestone of H. G. Wells.

I am Malach and did you know that H. G. Wells is a gaming dork?


Joey Polanski said...

If it can happm to Snoop Dogg, it can happm to anyone.

FreeOscar said...

Cheney has to believe in something.

Cube has the best rap quote:

"I didn't even hafta use my AK, today was a good day".