I know what it's like to be dead . . .


Some plugs.
Sunshine number 26 has been loaded.

Also, fans of Allison Randall. She is having her first show from April 6th to the 28th at ArtWorks! in Downtown New Bedford. The opening night is Saturday, April 14th, 3PM to 5PM. Malach will be there.

It's been really cold all over.
A MLB game got snowed out in Cleveland yesterday, it's frosty in the capital. Hasn't been too bad in the North East though. All though it is 36 right now, it has been close to 50 most of today.

NorthWest Airlines.
Well, I have taken NorthWest. Rather enjoyed their flights. Never new the worked blue.

I hope they take him off the air, more for the fact he sucks.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Julian Tavares is going to drive me nuts.

Malach's Quote of the Day

I am Malach and todays quote is dedicated to Dr. Murk.


Joey Polanski said...

Right about Imus!

Maybe his show makes fer good radio -- how woud I know? -- but it makes fer AWFUL TV (MSNBC).

Imus SUCKS. I can not listen to this schmuck.

AngryMan said...

They should have cancelled the NW Air flight b/c it was NW. The airline totally sucks.

Imus used to be cool, but he's gotten lamer as he's gotten older.