Thanks for Christmas


Lots of interesting stuff.
First lets get the plugs out of the way. Fred VanDoo's latest novella, the sequel to City of Evil is now loaded. Evil Empire is another 12 part novella in the comic book, heroic adventure style of it's predecessor. A nav bar is also on this one for ease of readability. In addtion the fiction from Hill TV is all permanently coming here over the next week, as Dr. Murk revamps the Hill.

Malach has gotten a couple invites recently from some website. The first is a interesting forum called TeenCafe. So far, nice forum, with interesting members. Also in a surprise move, Malach was invited to join Christian Interestingly, they still let me in after I told them I was a non-practicing Catholic who considers himself a Theistic/Spiritual Agnostic. They did not get back to me, but lo and behold got a bunch of links from there and they are now featuring my stuff. Check it out.

Also read the funny joke by Murk.

You are listening too . .
Thanks for Christmas, by XTC. If you are not familiar with XTC, then you should be shot. They were a very influential new wave band of the late 70's to mid 80's. Ironically they are most famous for the atheistic song Dear God. You can hear that and a few other hits at their Myspace.

My kids love Cartoon Network, which is good for me, as I like it too, and now have an excuse to watch it. CN, has recently premiered a film, Re-Animated. Honestly did not expect too much form it, but I was pleasantly surprised. Very funny, in the vein of movies like Better Off Dead. The basic premise of the movies is that 12 year old Jimmy Roberts, a loser who cannot say no to anyone, goes on a field trip to Golly World, where he is run over by a train. He gets an emergency brain trainplant of Golly World's founder, Milton Appleday, and then begins to see cartoons everywhere.

Like Better Off Dead, much of the plot is surreal, and many people abnormally werrd, and no one seems to notice but the protagonist. I had me laughing. Tons of spoof's on Disney, and WB cartoons, Disney World, Walt Disney, and Urban Legends. Good job CN for your first attempt.

My Christian friends.
Malach will be posting some of his religious veiwpoints in the next few days.

Rachael Ray.
What the Hell is the facination with Rachael Ray? She not particulalry a good cook, her voice is annoying, and she' cute, but my wife in a Hell of a lot hotter. I even checked out her FHM pics . . . not impressed.

Malach's Quote of the Day
Long is the way
And hard, that out of Hell leads up to Light. - Paradise Lost

I am Malach and your mean one, Mr. Grinch


Usually why?

The Angry Piper said...

Rachel Ray is the widemouth bass of TV chefs.

She could swallow a football. Sideways.

Give her a break, last I check, here eyes were on the same side of her head.

Joey Polanski said...

Which issue o FHM is yer wife in?

Holy Crap, a Polanski siting at DMDSS? My wife has not been at FHM, but she could be.