I suppose you were good this year.


You got two 8 1/2 by Eleven updates today. As for the rest, look for a more regular updating schedule, and a new JesusMan! beginning next week.

Ahh Saddam. . .
We hardly knew ye. I assume that Al-Jazeera will do this thing live, so expect a YouTube vid soon.

Ahh, more signs of Global Warming.
So if you see this puppy floating down the Atlantic, you know what it is from.

Only you could get this distinction. Good/Bad Job!

Me? I am a rat?
Anyone out there a flourescent green pig?

Famous Last Words.
"It's going to be the best one yet". Hey George Lucas, did you now also say that about the last three Star Wars movies.

I got a name for this new generation . . .
Generation Stupid.

Malach's Quote of the Day.
I will not return! I will not come to an unjust court! Go to hell! - Saddam Hussein

I am Malach and Saddam spelled backwards is almost Madass.