Dubya Jr. aka Tony Blair or Things that make you go Hmmm. . .


I swore I was not going to comment on the London Bombings, and not actively participate in the Blog Wars with a post, but Tony Blair, aka Dubya Jr., has forced my hand. Blair, the idiot, recently stated to Parliament:

Particularly with the shock of knowing that those that have perpetrated this
were actually born and brought up in this country, I think it is particularly
important we recognize the worldwide dimension of this

Well no shit Sherlock . . . The Stupidity of this man, and the Bush Administration shocks me. Don't you idiots realize the rest of the world hates the US and the UK. Even some of your own citizens hate you, and would do anything to destroy you and your country. The US, and UK, have basically thumbed there nose at the opinion and ideas of the rest of the world. These terrorist organization work like the drug trade and gangs, and that is why a "War on Terror" is unwinnable. They get recruits young, and "brainwash" them to their way of thinking. Do not be shocked if terrorist attacks occur in this country perpertrated by US citizens.

And both these administration seem to be blinded by the fact, that the rest of the world, does not appreciate them.

See that short and too the point, I am now open to your Blog Wars comments.



What did Jr. say? I totally did not get that...like OH.MY.GAWD.

Sorry..it was there...I had a blonde moment. I'm all better now.

My goodness, lack of meds today??? LOL.

Christopher said...

Bush and Blair practically invented terrorism. In fact, they are secretly the ones doing all the bombing! *this is sarcasm*

Nice, people are dying, and you name call. Real sensitive. Like the assholes who came out the day after 9.11.01 and said we had it coming to us.

When this war lands on your doorstep, Malach... maybe then you'll stop being a baby and start acting like a man. Can't wait until the other six liberals in your cabal chime in.

You know, you guys are lucky you have me. Otherwise, you'd have to rant at yourselves.


Christopher said...

That was typed while smiling! Might sound too harsh otherwise.

Just pointing out the naietivity and stupidity of world leaders is my job

Christopher said...

If you could do a better job, then put your name on the ballot!

If not, shut up.

Anticipating your first objection, if it's a corrupt system and you could not get fairly elected, then what are you doing to change that?

Again, my call to action, people. Quit whining and do something, anything!!!

I just spread my opinion, for I am Malach . . . I have no need to solve this pitiful worlds problems.

Well you said blog war....so I thought I'd drop a bomb shell...get it? Ohh nevermind.

Murk, when are you going to put your name on the ballot?

Yes, Pookie, when?

Christopher said...

Me? Ballot? You flatter! But seriously, I'm not the one complaining. I think Mr. Birch is doing a decent job. No need for me to do it.

The only thing I'm complaining about is the liberal penchant for being liberal with their words, and miserly with their ACTION. No wonder the Dems are falling apart. No one wants to do anything. They just want to make fart noises and call Bush names. That ain't getting it done.

Whatever Malach. The world is beneath you. That has always been your final arguement. "It's your turn to take out the garbage, Malach!" "This world is beneath me, and so I won't."

Hey Murk, I loaded a new JesusMan for youse!@

Christopher said...

You DO love me!!!! YEAH!!!

Vote Quimby.