
This relates a bit to my hatred toward George Lucas, but I will tie that later in these thoughts. First I would like to talk a bit about the "competition". Since I have been doing these webcomics, I have notced something about the large majority of popular webcomics. They tend to be very poorly written, but beautiful "imaged", or poorly "imaged" and extremely well written.

I used the word imaged, becuase many of these comics are not drawn, but done via computer. Maybe I am a bit old school, but all the images you see on RubberSuit Studios have been done by hand. I have flirted with computer graphics, but generally don't like them. Why? I find Computer Generated Images, or CGI, look very fake. They are so realistic, so perfect, they come off as unreal. Hand drawn images have defects, as does life. Even the best CGI, with intentional defects, still look hyper realistic.

The kids defintely seem to be into CGI. Who to blsme? Anime. Much of anime is CGI, but besides Ghost in the Shell none are as good as Akira. You even can see CGI in The Justice League, and The Batman, both extremely good series. What occurs is that the vehicles are CGI, and for some reason, don't fit in. You can also blame, Movies.

Now don't get me wrong, CGI can be very effective . . . take the Lord of the Rings movies, the difference that that and say Star Wars 1 - 3, is that Peter Jackson used a combo of models and CGI. This is where Lucas failed. Look at the early Star Wars; puppets and models. These films still can compete with any modern CGI. The models, because they are "real" have the properties if real objects, the weight, the defects, where the CGI, is so real, so realistic, they turn into a Thomas Kincaide paintings.

But it is popular, and I guess that is what the people like . . . of course the people like Clay Aiken the Anti-Christ also and voted for Dubya.


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