Huge Response to Fat Bug.


Kind of Shocked by the response . .
But I have recieved 22 emails about it, all have stated how much they loved the episode and everything about it. The best was from Ace Plughead, the creator of Sarah Zero which I will reprint in fan mail in the near future. A lot of positive reponse with the new page design. I am slowly learning some .php and flash, that will come after XMas.

You are Listening too . .
L-Train, Shootyz Groove. Shootyz in a very interesting band, check em out they tour a ton, and have a awesome vibe.

Iraq a disaster?
Well know, even Tony Blair is coming out of the Dubya corner. You will see more and more of this as 2008 rolls around. Toyi posted a funny Letterman Top 10 Dubya moments at the WoW. You might enjoy it.

Just in case. . .
You forgot about global warming . . .

The UCLA Tazer case.
Well you knew this was coming.

Hey Alanis Morrisette!
Once again, this is ironic, your stupid song is not.

Ahh the Beauty of the internet!

So you interested in a Scientology (they will molest your cat) Wedding?
Let TomKat tell you how.

Malach's Quote of the Day.
Every Harlot was a Virgin once - William Blake

I am Malach, and harlot is a word not used often enough!


Toyi said...

I still think that guy just had to leave the library when was told to... I know that things go wrong when you don't obey authority.

Yeah, but Tazered?

Toyi said...

Well Malach, the only way I see it unfair is if the guy was handcuffed and than tazered, c'mon you are asking a spanish girl... according to the news he was calling for everybody to join his stupidity, I mean do you think that police was going to wait until having the big revolt? if everbody were to join this guy stupidity they would 've outnumbered police, I don't think police would 've take that chance.