First and Foremost


You are on Notice!

11 More Things You May Or May Not Know About Malach
1. I am rather fond of Ben 10. Many people find that strange, but I like the show alot.
2. I was previously engaged to someone before he got married.
3. I like to shop, for anything. Groceries, clothes, computer crap, anything.
4. I like to shovel snow, and finds it very relaxing.
5. Malach's interent persona is very close to who he acutally is.
6. I own and enjoyed a hard back copy of this book.
7. I gets nervous sometimes around his wife.
8. My first job was pumping gas (old enough to remeber leaded gasoline).
9. I actually don't hate anyone at the Wand of Wonder.
10. Loves the artwork of Antonios Tapies.
11. I sneeze hard. I one time sneezed so hard in AP english, that I projectile snotted all over my desk in floor. The Angy Piper was a witness to this.

There will be a quiz soon.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Good Luck John Lester.

Malach's Quote of the Day.
I don't paint things. I only paint the difference between things. - Matisse

I am Malach and I will paint your mother.


The Angry Piper said...

1. you're strange.
2. you made the right choice.
3. you're a girl.
4. I'll call you this winter.
5. very true. in fact, I'd say identical.
6. see #1
7. I get nervous around your wife too. she'll kill me one day. I know this.
8. remember the guy who tried to unfreeze his gas tank with a cigarette lighter?
9. I don't know who this is.
10. as was the Angry Veteran, and anyone else within 10 feet.

I'll paint your mother too.

Um, what happend to 11

The Angry Piper said...

Actually, I skipped 9.

9: We all hate you.