I'll be your Johnny on the spot . .


Patriots tickets.
Silent Auction begins Aug 1st! Good Cause! Check it out!

Fat Bug.
I am slowly but surely working in finishing Fat Bug, when I can. Ton of work right now. 3 website, major updates on another, and a possible new client for a website. Perhaps I can soon retire. I hope to have it finished soon.

You are listening too . . .
Johnny On The Spot - Ween

I love Billy and Mandy.
I expressed that love at WoW today, along with a video. So beautiful!

So if this goes through, how much will pennies be worth?

Horray for the Gays!
One more step to equal rights.

What Did I tell you.
Big Dig, meet History Channel's Enginering Disasters.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
DAMN! This Pitching lineup will be frightening in the future.

Malach's Quote of the Day.
"It is only the inferior thinker who hastens to explain the singular and the complex by the primitive shortcut of supernaturalism." - HP Lovecraft.

I am Malach and I will be your Johnny On The Spot.


Toyi said...

oh lol I red penis for some reason!

Um,where, and go over to WoW if you mind in the gutter.

Toyi said...

oh no in the pennies article lol