And 12 hours later . . .


So, one down.
Malach basically spent the entire day to get this website up. One down, two to go. Everything is done except the databases, which the site share, so I will tackle them last. And I had take a couple of breaks so I did a few more panels of Fat Bug. That leaves just 4 panels left to render then putting the 30+ panels in a canvas. It will be done by the end of the weekend. But I am not gonna do anymore with this damn computer tonight. Gonna go lift and go to bed.

Just Becuase a lawsuit from Dan Brown ain't enough.
We going for one from Mel Gibson now.

The Murk and Malach Radio Show.
We are recording the next one on Monday. Send us you questions, for your Mailbag sketch. In addition, I believe we will be annoucing a big project at that podcast.

Plug Alert!
I really cannot say enough about Trumba. It has made my life easier as a webdesigner . . . I think I might even start paying for it. Check out this page. Trumba . . . I can't quit you!

Dr. Mantodea is smarter than you.
An he's a mantis. Check this article out. Kudos!

The CoMANdments.
How many have you broken?

You are listening too . . .
Buckingham Green, Ween. The last song I will play from Mollusk. Can you see the influence in Tenacious D here?

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Rain early, but they are playing.

Malach's Quote of the Day.
Feels like an Arby's night. - David Puddy (perhaps the best sitcom character ever).

I am Malach, STOP LOOK AT ME!


Toyi said...

uhm Mantodea is smart he appreciates his own life, he rathers to take other metods, if he ever mate he can lose his head...

That is why he hopes to get his message out