Short and Sweet.


Legalize Pot!
Malach finally put up that article on why we should legalize pot at WoW. I use a more common sense argument than "Hey Hemp makes useful things" and "Dude, George Washington smoked spliffs". Check it out and put me in my place.

Everyone and there mama thinks this is a bad sign. Hey Doffuses, the world did not end on 6/6/1006. People are so stupid.

An Admendment to Ban Gay Marriage.
This really bothers me. It seems to be this administration wants to take a step backwards and abolish the rights of some of it's citizens. I mean what's next, no interracial marriages? Slavery of homosexuals? Deprogamming? As this comes a bit closer, this will make a nice rant.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
2 out of 3 from Detriot, now of to Yankee Stadium for 4!

Malach's Quote of the Day.
"The smell of opium is the least stupid smell in the world." - Pablo Picasso

I am Malach and I think feces, mixed with vomit and garbage is about the stupidest smell in the world.


Andy T. Nguyen said...

You know, 6/6/06 is the day of the Model United Nations club 6:00 PM! Oh yeah, Bush...being jackass....banning gay marriges.

Wow, launch war bucko!

Toyi said...

be carefull with "The mole" lol that 6/6/06 is so ridiculous!