

The trouble with language.
Many of you, I am sure know what has happened in the past week regarding Ozzie Guillen, the manger of the world champion Chicago White Sox. To quickly review, Ozzie called hated Chicago sports columnist Jay Mariotti (for us New Englander's, for a bit of comparison, he blows our hatred for Dan Shaughnessy away) a "fag". Well we all know "fag" is a derogatory term or slur for homosexuals (I am not going to get into the fact that in the homosexual community the term fag is used like the n-word is used among African Americans, that is another rant). Guillen to his credit is a guy who speaks his mind, and isn't afraid to give you his opinion, whether good, bad, right, or wrong. In one way this is very refreshing in public figures. Guillen tried to explain it away; in his country (Spanish is his first language) fag means someone without courage or is weak (isn't that the point, fag means a homosexual is less of a man), the old "I have gay friends", and went on and on how he is not discriminatory against anyone. That may be the case (or may not as some things have come out about him since), and Ozzie now seems confused about the whole incident.

Well, here is the problem. This is a good lesson for all you young'uns out there who throw profanity around like you were at the shadiest bar on the water front. First profanity itself. Malach is not going to deny he does not use profanity. Profanity has it's place and time (like when you step on a lego in the middle of the night), but Malach rarely if ever uses profanity in everyday conversation. Many of my friends are shocked when I do. But that is an aside point. This is about the type of profanity you use. If Guillen had said Mariotti was an asshole, or a punk, or a loser, etc. He would not be taking the grief he is taking now. He chose to use the term "fag" which is a derogatory term for a whole population of people. Suppose he had called him the n-word (Malach doesn't use that word). That is one of the problem. When you use words like fag, retard, bitch, ho, spic, you are classify a group with a derogatory term. That is the difference, and what Guillen needs to learn.

There will be a quiz tomorrow on this.

Stoopid Stuff

Your Stripper Info by radioface
first name
Stripper Name:Tina Tingles
Specialty:climbing the pole
Customers say:"Want fries with yer shake?"
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Death info
by ConfuzedIdiot
Death dateJanuary 22, 2080
Relationship statusSingle and looking (w/o children)
Cause of Deathfailed experment from alien abduction
Lottery winnings the day after your death$31,954,483
Quiz created with MemeGen!

GANGSTA INFO by neon_tin
First name:
Favorite Letter:
Gangster Name:li'l booty-shakah
Your Job:Stylist *winkwink*
Gang Name:Reapers
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Who would of thunk it?
That Malach's love of combat sports would combine with Dr. Murk's love of strategy games?

I found this too.
Carpnotes. What I can glean from this blog is it is sometype of companion for a fantasy baseball league, but it is not that clear. Evidently one of the team is the Buckos, and look what they posted. This calls for an all out Buckos Brigade attack, I want to see 10 comments in this thread tomorrow, threats I tell you!

Happy Birthday . .

You are listening too . .
Down in a Hole, Tom Waits.

Why we should leave Iraq.
Take care of all the nuts we got here.

Drugs in Pro Sports.
I know some cyclists. I have been told if you are not doping, you not trying. This would not shock me, and nor would it to find everyone was doing it.

Cel-lebrate good times C'mon!
It's a celebration!

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
Anything worse than 2 out of 3 form the Phils, and someones dead. Man does the NL suck.

Malach's Quote of the Day
Sir, pay no attention to the people who say the glass is half empty, because 32% means it's 2/3 empty. There's still some liquid in that glass, is my point. But I wouldn't drink it. The last third is usually backwash. - Stephen Colbert at the 2006 White House Correspondents' Association Dinner

I am Malach . . . you see what I mean when I say Wikipedia has an inherrant bias?