A surprise


The latest Murk and Malach Show is up!
Murky out did himself, with a one day turnover on the latest Murk and Malach Show. This one is chock full of goodies including an round table discussion involving Mel Gibson, his arresting officer, Murk, and Malach; a phone in mailbag segment featuring on of Pilaf buddies who we have dubbed Buttsexman; and telemarketer; a big announcement; and Who wants to die Elmo. It is available as always in Real Media and MP3 format. Enjoy.

You are listening too . . .
Baby Bitch, by Ween. Many of my readers will enjoy this song immensely . . . sing along.

It's been a while since I've seen you smile
But now you've come back again
Came into the room and you saw my girl
And you asked her how long it's been
"A year" she said and you shook your head
Said "I'm surprised it's gone on that long"
Baby, Baby, Baby Bitch
For words I am at a loss
Baby, Baby, Baby Bitch
I'm better now please fuck off

What else you gonna say when while you're backon your stay
Maybe something, maybe nothing, we'll see
It's just too bad, you're beautiful I guess
I wasn't for you and you weren't for me
Baby, Baby, Baby Bitch
Please slip back into yourself
Baby, Baby, Baby Bitch
Go conquer someone else

People say, "How beautiful, how sweet, how kind"
You're perfect, you've got nothing to hide
But I, for one, have seen the sun
And the bitch that you've locked up inside
Got fat, got angry, started hating myself
Wrote "Birthday Boy" for you babe
Now I'm skinny and sick and paranoid
Without a cent to my name
Baby, Baby, Baby Bitch
Fuck you, you stinkin' ass ho
Most beauty I've seen
you come from a dream
But I can't close my eyes anymore
No, I can't close my eyes anymore

Now don't you feel better?

So Cuban TV says he's stable . .
2-1 odds he's dead. Man, I can't wait for Castro's reign to be ended, there gonna be a huge party there.

Mel Gibson.
Well Mel . . . I'm speechless. Check out the slide show, and his mugshot. Now take a look at the real mugshot the Sheriff's office did not doctor (swear to God)
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
He's a carazy man!

How's the Weather?
Well, it was about 100 today, worse tomorrow. I got central air though.

How quickly the GOP will distance themselves from Dubya.
Hi I am Katherine Harris, remember me? I stole the 2000 election for Dubya.

Interesting read. This will be the next national epidemic in 10 years.

Uhhh . .
OK, now Intelligent Design, Creationism, that not science. Of course you can get married at 14 in Kansas. And this is even funnier.

The Mood of Red Sox Nation.
I would have sex David Ortiz if that what he wanted.

Malach's Quote of the Day.
Pickles: What's all that racket?
Bob: The kids are drowning baby.

- The Oblongs

Oh and ah . .

I am Malach and I expose all the dirt.


Andy T. Nguyen said...

No one must know about this day!!!

Christopher said...

Love that Mel!

Yeah, I am going to repost Mel on the WoW methinks.

Toyi said...

Oh I will have to say it again, Science can have evolution facts but not a fact about how everything began and that is what puts evolution as a theory and nothing better than that.

But religion and science are two seperate things. Religion should not be taught as science which is what these people are trying to do.

Toyi said...

oh I tell you schools and people make me laugh, they try do anything to get away from the creator or anything that reminds them about him lol I really like to see how they get troubled about phrasing it and re phrasing anything that is related to creation, oh and as you know, I really don't care what schools try to do but is funny anyways lol

What I like the most is how they have to be careful with the thanksgiving story and what involves.

It is not funny.

Science cannot prove nor support with scientific fact the existence of God. If they could they would.

Evolution is based on scientific fact.

Now if we want to get into "Who" created the world, that can be debated by every religion on Earth from Hinduism to Paganism and there is no agreement nor scientific proof. So with that being said you start teaching the "God" made the world, don't you also need to teach all the other religious points of view?

In addition there is a seperation of church and state. You can no more teach about Buddha in Public School, that you can Jesus, unless you are discussing historical fact.

I have no issue with religion being taught in schools as long as ALL religions are taught and not just one view point. You want you kids to learn about Jesus, God, and Science? Send them to private school.

Toyi said...

oh well I don't desagree, I do understand that science will never have a hard evidence of a God, you and I agree that little part is about faith, yeah that is what is funny cause they have to deal with that specificone.. believe it or not what is not hard evidence becomes an obstacle in the science language sometimes...